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1978 - Inaugural Graduation Ceremony

Murdoch University graduation at Perth Concert Hall

In the heart of Perth, the inaugural graduation ceremony of Murdoch University marked a significant milestone in the institution's history.

In the heart of Perth, the inaugural graduation ceremony of Murdoch University marked a significant milestone in the institution's history. 

Held at the Perth Concert Hall on April 5, 1978, the event celebrated the achievements of the university's first cohort of graduates. 

Chancellor John Wickham presided over the ceremony, conferring degrees upon three PhD candidates, two MPhil recipients, 73 Bachelor of Arts, 60 Bachelor of Science, and 45 education graduates, along with one Diploma of Mineral Science awardee.

The ceremony was distinctive due to its informality - a reflection of the strong and enduring relationship between staff and students. 

At this celebratory first graduation event, five students received certificates of honour, and the address was delivered by Governor-General Sir Paul Hasluck. 

Among the graduates was Dr Garry Gillard, who had the distinction of being the University's first graduate and the recipient of a Master's degree.

Murdoch's first graduate, Garry Gillard, at the 1978 ceremony

Image caption: Garry Gillard at the 1978 graduation ceremony

He described "a wonderful atmosphere at that first graduation ceremony," and he considered his time at Murdoch to be a great opportunity, filled with excitement as part of a new educational establishment.

Dr Gillard's journey didn't end with his graduation; he went on to earn his PhD and later joined the Murdoch University staff, contributing to the academic community that had nurtured his early career. 

His story is a testament to the opportunities that Murdoch University has provided to its students since its inception. The University's commitment to excellence was further highlighted when, at the end of 1977, Murdoch graduate Wendy Carlin became the institution's first Rhodes Scholar, and only the second woman from Western Australia to achieve the prestigious honour at that time. 

Since that first graduation ceremony over 45 years ago, Murdoch has graduated more than 100,000 students.


1978 - Inaugural Graduation Ceremony

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