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Chancellor Gail McGowan - A journey of education and change

Chancellor Gail McGowan outside

Gail McGowan has created change through her actions and leadership on both a State and National scale for more than thirty years – but if you ask her, she’ll tell you it took lots of determination and some nudging from others to make it all happen.

The path that led Murdoch University Chancellor Gail McGowan PSM to her career success was far from conventional.  

“I was a traditionally raised farmer’s daughter actively discouraged from going to university as it was considered ‘a waste’ for a girl in the 1970s,” Ms McGowan said. 

Instead, like her two sisters, she was educated to year 12 level and joined the public sector which was seen as an “honourable career for a girl”. 

Ms McGowan enjoyed her employment but longed for a university qualification so in 1987 - more than a decade after graduating high school and with three young children in tow – she applied to Murdoch. 

“Murdoch then, just as it is now, was at the forefront of innovation and offered flexible study options, enabling me to study by correspondence while living in remote areas of the State,” Ms McGowan said. 

A Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies followed by a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy enabled Ms McGowan to pursue a career that included more than 14 years as a senior executive in the WA Government, including eight years as a Director General. She credits much of her success to the broad-based skills she learned during her study and the support provided by Murdoch.  

Gail McGowan at her Murdoch graduation ceremony

Image caption: Gail McGowan at her Murdoch graduation ceremony.

She received a Public Service Medal in 2019 and that same year was named a Murdoch University Distinguished Alumni. In 2021 Ms McGowan was the Institute of Public Administration of Australia WA Leader of the Year. 

Ms McGowan was formally installed as Murdoch’s first female Chancellor in July 2023. Working with renowned mathematician Professor Robyn Owens as her Deputy Chancellor, the University’s Senate and chief governing body suddenly had an all-female leadership.  

As well as being Murdoch University Chancellor, Ms McGowan holds the roles of Chair of the Botanic Gardens and Park Authority, Director of Foundation Housing WA and the Midwest Ports Authority, WA Cricket Board member and was recently appointed a member of the National Housing Supply and Affordability Council. 

“While I was studying, and over the years since, there were many times when I doubted myself,” Ms McGowan said. 

Fortunately, others believed in me and urged me to embrace opportunity and test my limits. They gave me confidence in myself and my ability and supported me on my leadership journey. 

At her Investiture Governor of Western Australia, His Excellency, the Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM spoke of Ms McGowan’s contribution to society and her leadership.  

“Gail has reached the very highest levels of public administration both in Western Australia and nationally, and for that she has been recognised under the Order of Australia.  

“I have also had the privilege of serving alongside Gail over the last number of years in many public sector agencies and I can give personal testament to the great esteem and respect that she has amongst her peers. 

“But it’s not just her service to people that lead Government or institutions, Gail has this ability to also actively mentor young leaders and young people, and that is something that I personally want to thank you for, because it’s not just about the stewardship at the pinnacle, Gail reaches right down and nurtures those that are going to follow her.” 
While connecting with community members through her role as Chancellor Ms McGowan has been overwhelmed by those she has met who have resonated with her personal story.  
“It has reminded me we must not underestimate the significance of a milestone like a graduation or being a first in family university student. A quality education can change a life.” 


Chancellor Gail McGowan - A journey of education and change

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