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Tim Hammond

Tim Hammond is a barrister specialising in asbestos litigation as well as workplace and catastrophic injury cases.
A former Federal Member for Perth (2016 – 2018), Tim was also the Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs and Shadow Minister Assisting in Resources during his time in Parliament. Mr Hammond served as the Federal Senior Vice President of the Australian Labor Party from 2015-2018.
He is currently a board member of the Fathering Project, a not-for-profit organisation that aims to improve child development outcomes by inspiring and equipping fathers to effectively engage with their kids.
Tim graduated from Murdoch University with a law degree in 1999 which saw him go on to practice law as a solicitor with nationally renowned law firm Slater & Gordon for 11 years; first in Perth, and then Melbourne and Brisbane. On his return to Perth, he was made a partner at the firm – aged 29, in 2004, and specialised in asbestos litigation.
A Murdoch University 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, Mr Hammond is passionate about Indigenous issues. He has spent time volunteering in remote Indigenous communities in WA’s North West. In his representation of Aboriginal victims of road trauma, he often travels to remote communities to negotiate compensation claims on their behalf.