Postgraduate Course

Master of Community Development

Passionate about finding creative solutions to bring communities together? A Master of Community Development is for those wanting to make a difference through positive change to make their neighbourhood a better place. 

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Murdoch code
Study mode
Full Time or Part Time
Selection rank
First year fee (domestic)
First year fee (international)
Full course fee (domestic)
Full course fee (international)

The fees provided are indicative and intended only as a guide. They are based on a typical full-time enrolment for a first year student at Murdoch University of 24 credit points. The indicative fee is based on the applicable Commonwealth Supported Fee.


This course will introduce you to the community development ideas and practices used to create and foster community-led change in settings around Australia and beyond, like Anastasia who took her learnings from the course to make change in her home country, Indonesia. 

This course is designed for community work practitioners and graduates with an interest in moving into emerging fields that embrace the ideas and practices of community development, and want to broaden their knowledge substantially through further postgraduate studies.

You'll study real and living community projects that build on cultural strength in remote areas, urban agriculture and sustainability projects, grassroots creative arts projects, activism work and much more. Combine case studies, documentaries, films and other creative digital forms that showcase examples of community work and attend workshops designed to teach creative ways of getting the community involved.

3 reasons to study a Master of Community Development at Murdoch

  1. Put theory into practice by undertaking a community development internship in a migrant resource centre, state or local government offices, an international development agency or through an alternative education project or community arts project.
  2. Be taught by leading academics who have themselves worked for community organisations and still carry out research on community-based projects including work with local government authorities, Indigenous Australian groups and in the cultural development, arts and film industries.
  3. Undertake an independent research project or dissertation under the supervision of experienced researchers, in an area of community practice relevant an important to you.

What you'll learn

Build essential skills and knowledge to meet your career or study goals. Topics you’ll cover include:

  • Community development in Indigenous communities
  • Building links between community, industry and local government
  • Social policy activism and community change
  • Sustainable and ecological community development
  • Understanding the dynamics of cultural diversity in the workplace and community

Your career

When you graduate you could work in many industry areas such as community and social services, local government, humanitarian organisations, NGOs, aid work, economic and social planning, sustainable development and Indigenous governance. Careers could include:

  • Community Arts, Development or Service Coordinator
  • Federal or State Government Policy Advisor
  • International Aid Worker
  • Engagement Officer
  • Place and Activations Officer.

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Total credit points: 48

Unit code Unit name Credit points

Course Core

University regulations require completion of a minimum of 24 points at 600-level and a maximum of 24 points at 500-level for a 48-point Masters by Coursework degree.
48 credit points
Required Units21 credit points
COD502Community Development in Indigenous Communities3
COD503Narratives of Community Practice3
COD504Community, Policy and Change3
COD505Community, Industry and Local Government3
COD545Community Development Theory and Practice3
COD601Community Development Methods3
SUS512Sustainability, Ecology and Communities3
Specified Electives27 credit points
Option 1 Research Project27 credit points
Required Units3 credit points
DEV600Doing Research for Development3
Specified Elective Units24 credit points
ART600Special Project3
AST558Gender in Asian Societies3
AST6501Culture, Communities and Sustainability in Asia3
COD501Foundations and Formation of Community Practice3
COD602Projects in Community Development 3
COD603Contemporary Practice in Community Development3
COD608Professional Placement6
CRE500Filmmaking for Development3
DEV500Child Development in Families and Communities3
EDN546Dynamics of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace and the Community3
EDU616Teaching, Learning and Working in Culturally Diverse Environments3
GOV5111Critical Approaches to Development6
GOV6041Corruption and Anti-corruption6
GOV6131Public Policy Perspectives6
GRD5031Design Thinking Tools3
HIS500Social Justice3
SIK502Wandju Boodja (Welcome to Country)3
MBS589Social Enterprise, Social Innovation And Profit For Purpose3
MBS651Leading and Managing Nonprofit Organisations3
MBS662Business, Society and the Environment6
MBS684Managing Strategic Risk and Projects6
MCM682Global Media: Asia-Pacific Perspectives3
SUS5231Cities and Sustainability3
SUS601Contemporary Issues in Development3
SUS6111Resilient Regions: People and Practice3
SUS620Research Project3
SUS6281Development and Sustainability3
TLC501Communication Skills for Postgraduate Study3
TOU502Regenerative Tourism3
TOU503Regenerative Community Events and Festivals3
WEB564Web Research3
WEB566Social Media Analysis3
Option 2 Research Dissertation27 credit points
Required Units15 credit points
ART610Masters by Coursework Research Dissertation12
DEV600Doing Research for Development3
Specified Elective Units12 credit points
ART504Research Proposal and Design3
ART505Literature Review3
ART506Advanced Writing for Research and Publication3
ART600Special Project3
AST558Gender in Asian Societies3
AST6501Culture, Communities and Sustainability in Asia3
COD501Foundations and Formation of Community Practice3
COD602Projects in Community Development 3
COD603Contemporary Practice in Community Development3
COD608Professional Placement6
CRE500Filmmaking for Development3
DEV500Child Development in Families and Communities3
EDN546Dynamics of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace and the Community3
EDU616Teaching, Learning and Working in Culturally Diverse Environments3
GOV5111Critical Approaches to Development6
GOV6041Corruption and Anti-corruption6
GOV6131Public Policy Perspectives6
GRD5031Design Thinking Tools3
HIS500Social Justice3
MBS589Social Enterprise, Social Innovation And Profit For Purpose3
MBS651Leading and Managing Nonprofit Organisations3
MBS662Business, Society and the Environment6
MBS684Managing Strategic Risk and Projects6
MCM682Global Media: Asia-Pacific Perspectives3
SIK502Wandju Boodja (Welcome to Country)3
SUS5231Cities and Sustainability3
SUS601Contemporary Issues in Development3
SUS6111Resilient Regions: People and Practice3
SUS620Research Project3
SUS6281Development and Sustainability3
TLC501Communication Skills for Postgraduate Study3
TOU502Regenerative Tourism3
TOU503Regenerative Community Events and Festivals3
WEB564Web Research3
WEB566Social Media Analysis3
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Entry requirements

Recognised Bachelor?s degree or higher, or equivalent training, though not necessarily in an area directly related to the course, or satisfactory preparation through previous study or professional experience.

English Requirements

You must meet a minimum standard in English to study at Murdoch, which for most courses can be demonstrated by providing evidence that you have completed Year 11 and 12 in Australia at any level if you are a domestic student, or through either English proficiency tests, university preparation courses, English language courses, previous tertiary study or vocational education.

Other Requirements

There may be a reduction in choice of units if completing this course in the online flexible mode.

Advanced Standing

Everyone has a different path to university so if you’ve already completed formal or informal learning, you could receive advanced standing. Also known as recognition of prior learning, advanced standing can reduce the amount of study needed to complete your degree by giving you credit for certain units.

Formal learning can include previous study in higher education vocational education or adult and community education. Informal learning can include on the job learning, various kinds of work and life experience.

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This information applies to courses offered at our Australian campuses only. Courses offered at our Dubai  and Singapore campuses or delivered by Open Universities Australia may have different requirements.

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Fees and scholarships

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Whether you’re a high achiever or have experienced hardship, we offer a wide range of scholarships and awards to students from all walks of life. Explore our scholarships to find the ones you could be eligible for as a new Murdoch student as well as what's available throughout your degree.

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How much will it cost?

Instead of paying an overall course fee, you pay for the individual units you enrol in. The total course cost will vary depending on the units you choose.

Following your successful application, you’ll receive a Letter of Offer which will contain specific course and fee information.

If you are applying for an undergraduate course, you may be eligible for a Commonwealth Supported Place. Postgraduate programs are full fee paying, unless indicated otherwise in your Letter of Offer.

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How to apply

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Your document checklist

Ready to apply? Before you start, make sure you have all the following documentation ready for a quick application.

Compulsory documents

Evidence that you meet Academic entry and English language requirements such as:

  • Official Academic Transcripts and Certificates of Completion (of your highest academic study)
  • Evidence of meeting the minimum English language requirements

Recommended documents (if applicable)

  1. Most recent Curriculum Vitae if applying using professional experience
  2. Change of name documentation
  3. Marriage certificate
  4. Unit outlines if applying for Advanced Standing

Your document checklist

Ready to apply? Before you start, make sure you have all the following documentation ready for a quick application.

Compulsory documents

  1. Evidence that you meet Academic entry and English language requirements such as:
    • Official Academic Transcripts and Certificates of Completion (of your highest academic study) both original and English translated versions.
    • Evidence of meeting the minimum English language requirements
  2. GTE documents (if applicable) - Check the GTE requirements page for further information
    • GTE Form 2
    • Personal Statement (SOP)
    • Up to date Curriculum Vitae
  3. A copy of your Passport

Recommended documents

  1. Most recent Curriculum Vitae if applying using professional experience
  2. A copy of your visa documents (if available)
  3. A copy of any past visa rejection documents (if applicable)
  4. Packaged offer letter (if applicable)
  5. Sponsorship documents if you study will be sponsored
  6. Unit outlines if applying for Advanced Standing
How to apply

All fees are indicative and are provided as a guide only. The actual fees will depend on the individual units you enrol in. You should refer to your Letter of Offer for specific course and fee related information.

The first-year indicative fee is based on a typical full-time enrolment at Murdoch University of 24 credit points.

For domestic students, including Australian citizens, permanent residents and New Zealand citizens, the indicative fee is based on the applicable Commonwealth Supported fee.

Indicative fees for international students are based on applicable full fee paying rates.

The estimated, indicative fee covers tuition fees only, and certain additional fees and charges may apply, depending on the course and units you choose. It also does not take into account any scholarships or bursaries for which you may be eligible.

The estimated, indicative fee assumes no fee increases or indexation. Over time, fee increases or indexation may occur and will affect the estimate. If you are a full fee paying student, this may occur at the start of your second and each subsequent year of study. In the case of Commonwealth Supported students, this will occur for each new calendar year in line with Government policy.

All fee estimates are provided in Australian dollars.