
2020 College award recipients celebrated

Prize Night recipients from College ABLSS and SHEE

Over 200 Murdoch students have been awarded prizes and scholarships as part of the University’s Prize Night awards.

Awarded by the College of Arts, Business, Law and Social Sciences (ABLSS) and College of Science, Health, Engineering and Education (SHEE) Prize Night awards recognise and celebrate the hard work and success of high performing students.

Among the winners, postgraduate human resources management student Wilfrid Kako Nono was awarded the Frontier Software Prize in recognition of his outstanding academic performance in Human Resource Management Perspectives, a unit which examines the practical and theoretical aspects of strategic and operational Human Resource Management.

“I would like to thank Murdoch University in partnership with the donor who have recognised my academic achievement in Human Resource Management Perspectives and awarded me with this wonderful prize.

“Receiving this award has motivated me to continue striving for success and has encouraged me to be confident in my thinking and actions, particularly in living the value of free thinking in this dynamic world.”

Graduating student Nathan Anderson says he was humbled to have been awarded the Amanda Young Leadership Prize, which is presented to a well-rounded graduating environmental science student for leadership, academic performance and potential for contribution to the environment.

“I am honoured and humbled to have been singled out amongst my peers.

“Throughout my time at Murdoch I have enjoyed the support of my peers, guidance from my academic supervisors and mentorship from members of the community.

“I look forward to building on my time at Murdoch University and continuing to be a positive influence in the community, and an advocate for the environment.”

Normally hosted as an on-campus event, Prize Night gives staff, students, friends, family, sponsors and donors the opportunity to celebrate their success, meet and greet recipients, and network with the academics guiding them.

While the ceremony was unable to take place in person this year, letters of congratulation from Heads of Disciplines were sent to each winning student to notify them of their prize. Students were asked to send through photos of themselves with their awards, and a letter of thanks to their respected donors.


2020 College award recipients celebrated

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