
Bad flu season predicted - it's not too late to get your flu jab!

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With Influenza type A cases already above the previous five-year average, Professor Cassandra Berry wants you to know that it's not too late to get your flu jab.

An expert in viral immunology at Murdoch University, Professor Berry said this winter the flu season is predicted to be worse than usual, with notified cases of Influenza type A already above the previous five-year average.

"We are already seeing over 147,000 cases this year with the highest numbers of cases in our infants, kids aged 5-9 years, and in the 10-19 years age bracket, who are largely non-immune and therefore at-risk," Professor Berry said.

Since people have been locked down with limited travel, the virus has not been circulating widely, but as the RNA virus mutates and reassorts (recombines and mixes gene fragments with other flu viruses including swine and avian origin), according to Professor Berry, it is unlikely that we will have prior immunity.

"Boosting your antiviral immunity is the best gift you can give yourselves and also to protect and care for others who are vulnerable," she said.

And with the reality that influenza and coronaviruses will be co-spread in the community, the professor strongly recommends to stay on track with COVID-19 vaccine boosters.

"Besides vaccination, people should still have faith in the added effectiveness of good hand hygiene, mask wearing and socially distancing," she said.

"Perhaps in the near future we will be able to get a combined multivalent vaccine for both flu and COVID virus updates (emerging virus variants/strains) for robust immunity and effectiveness each season.

"No matter what the achieved level of effectiveness is in a vaccinated person, any additional immunity provides better protection than none."


Bad flu season predicted - it's not too late to get your flu jab!

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