
Empowering remote communities with sustainable technologies


The challenge of supplying reliable, renewable electricity for Eastern Indonesia’s remote communities provided the spark for a short course hosted by the Murdoch School of Engineering and Energy in September.

The 'Renewable Energy for Remote Communities' program brought together 25 participants from various sectors in Indonesia, including businesses, community microgrids, business associations, government entities, and NGOs.

Drawing on Australia’s experience in developing renewable energy solutions for its own remote communities, the course aimed to provide a pathway towards Indonesian communities establishing their own microgrids or Stand-Alone Power Systems (SAPS).

Participants were briefed on the regulatory, practical, and economic aspects of successful deployment and sustainable maintenance of these systems. The course also included Australia's advanced technologies and case studies, as well as Indigenous-led renewable energy projects.

Australia and Indonesia both have abundant natural resources required for power generation – wind, sunshine, hydro, geothermal potential and wave power,” course leader Professor Tania Urmee said.

“However, both countries share similar energy challenges with isolated communities far from the nearest electricity grids.

“Unable to connect to the state electricity provider, these isolated districts often resort to costly and environmentally damaging diesel-powered generators. Not surprisingly, district leaders are urgently seeking sustainable, long-term solutions for electrifying their communities. SAPS play a major part in providing these solutions.”

The course, part of a broader initiative by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to foster Indonesia-Australia collaboration, is one of the international short courses and scholarships offered by the Australia Awards in Indonesia (AAI). The AAI program provides study, research, and professional development opportunities for Indonesia’s emerging leaders. 

“Outcomes from the Renewable Energy for Remote Communities short course will play a significant role supporting ongoing Indonesia-Australia collaborations and actions on climate change," Deputy Vice Chancellor Education Professor Don Klinger said. 

“The aim is to contribute to meeting Indonesia's energy requirements – and inform the next generation of renewables experts.”

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Empowering remote communities with sustainable technologies

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