
Have you ever wondered what happens when you get sick?

What happens when you get sick?

Your immune system is your body's safeguard, when threatened with an illness it releases white blood cells to fight the infection. This battle between virus and white blood cells is the cause of symptoms and signs of sickness.

Symptoms of sickness

While there are millions of different symptoms for illnesses, there are a few common signs that we would all be aware of but might not know why they happen.

Runny nose

Easily identified by the constant sniffling as you walk around and the large box of tissues you take with you, a runny nose is caused by your body increasing in the production of mucus to try and get rid of the illness.

Persistent cough

Sometimes painful and inconvenient, especially if you need to speak publicly, a persistent cough is commonly caused by a natural reaction to irritation of mucus in your lungs, by coughing your body is trying to let the virus to escape and move on to its next victim.

Sore Throat

The time in your sickness has come where you need to turn to soups and other easy to eat foods as you have a sore throat. Caused by the inflammation of mucus membranes that line your throat, this swelling is a result of your white blood cells and antibodies that are trying to fight off the illness putting pressure on the nerve endings of your throat.

How does our immune system protect us from getting ill?

Being immune to an illness means that you are lucky enough to kill the germs without experiencing any symptoms. Immunity is developed in several ways, some of those are below:

Natural exposure

When you have an illness, your immune system develops antibodies to that illness and it protects you from getting it again. While this doesn't occur with all illnesses, it’s a long-lasting immunity that for some people can keep you safe from reoccurring illnesses for your whole life. 

Vaccine exposure

A vaccine is a weakened form of a strain of virus that gives your body the chance to learn how to fight it, meaning you don't experience the symptoms that you would if you got sick. If you do encounter the full-strength virus later, your body will be ready to eliminate it quickly.

Antibody injection

When your immune system is not strong enough to develop antibodies to an illness, you may need an injection of antibodies that will provide you with immediate protection. While this will quickly help to cure you of the sickness, the immunity will be temporary and will only last for a few weeks or months.

If you are interested in learning more about the effects of diseases on humanity, explore the courses in Heath at Murdoch today. Or learn more about studying at Murdoch as an international student


Have you ever wondered what happens when you get sick?

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