
How Murdoch prepares nursing students for practical placements

Female student looks over file with female tutor in the SimLab.

There are few professions as vital to the world as nursing. Murdoch University is educating the next generation of nursing practitioners through the use of life like simulations performed on campus.

Studying a Bachelor of Nursing at Murdoch is an invaluable experience for aspiring nurses. Our School of Nursing is full of inspired, forward-thinking educators leading the charge in training the next generation of healthcare professionals! Nursing students at Murdoch benefit from learning with the latest education methodologies, including Avatars, Virtual Reality and Hi Fi Simulation. This incredible combination of learning experiences is unique to Murdoch University in Western Australia.  

What is a High Fidelity Simulation? 

The High Fidelity Simulation is an education methodology that uses life-like computerised mannequins to simulate situations nurses face on the job. These mannequins mimic a real patient – capable of breathing, with a palpable pulse, and measurable blood pressure  Settings include wheezing, coughing and a stridor allowing the mannequin to deteriorate. HiFi simulations are embedded across 2nd and 3rd-year units and increase in complexity as the students progress.  

It’s really helpful to see not only how you react in those situations, but how the teamwork plays out with everyone – because nursing is all about teamwork.”

    Elizabeth, Murdoch University Nursing Student 

How does a High Fidelity Simulation work? 

Simulation scenarios are created based on unit content, giving student nurses the chance to practice the skills they’ve learned in the classroom. Up to five students are shown around the simulation room and given a pre-brief and a patient handover before beginning the scenario. Behind the scenes, a trained simulation technologist controls the mannequin to deteriorate at a slow or rapid rate. The students work as a team to meet the patient’s needs and apply their newly learnt critical thinking nursing skills. Following the scenario, a qualified nursing educator will run a debrief, allowing students to identify and reflect on strengths, weaknesses and gaps in their knowledge or practice. It is a safe learning space that encourages student nurses to be reflective practitioners. 

It does make me feel very confident to be able to work as a nurse in a real-life situation.” 

Pooja, Murdoch University Nursing Student 

Nursing students at Murdoch use a variety of simulation methods throughout their degree. Starting in their first year, students use simulated wounds to learn and practice their aseptic wound care skills. Progressively, over each semester of study, students practice more complex skills in simulated scenarios. Before attending their clinical placement, Murdoch nursing students will have undertaken assessments on simulated mannequins, practiced preparing and administering medications, worked collaboratively to manage the care of deteriorating patients using high technology mannequins, and more! This means students go into their practical placements feeling confident in their abilities. 

The Nursing School at Murdoch is dedicated to creating skilled, forward-thinking nursing practitioners, using the latest in education technology – find out more about how we’re using VR to train future nurses.  

Learn more about studying nursing at Murdoch University. 


How Murdoch prepares nursing students for practical placements

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