
Murdoch partners with Leo Cussen Centre for Law

woman in a law court

Murdoch University’s School of Law has embarked on a five-year strategic partnership with Leo Cussen Centre for Law.

The synergy between the two organisations will broaden legal career pathways for students, enhance training opportunities and provide vulnerable communities with greater access to justice through a shared belief in transformation through education.

Through this new partnership, Leo Cussen will support staff that deliver a law in the community unit, which takes legal education and literacy out into high schools and community groups.

Director of Clinical Legal Programs at Murdoch University, Anna Copeland welcomed the collaboration with the centre.

Leo Cussen is a fantastic partner as they share our commitment to social justice and teaching law in context,” said Associate Professor Copeland.

Leo Cussen’s Executive Director, Shirley Southgate echoed this sentiment, expressing the team were delighted to be working with a university that shares a commitment to evolve in sync with changes in the profession.

“Our strategic vision to deliver excellence in legal education is well aligned as is our commitment to respond innovatively to student needs in an ever-changing society and economy.

“Ensuring law graduates have access to high quality pathways to admission is an essential piece of the transition from law student to legal practitioner and we are thrilled to play a role with Murdoch in the Australian legal ecosystem.”

In addition, Leo Cussen will support an annual Law Awards event that provides undergraduates with an invaluable opportunity to meet and network with the major legal figures and employers within the State.

Sonia Walker, Head of Law at Murdoch University said she was excited about the opportunities the partnership presents for Murdoch students.

“It will provide a seamless transition into practice and better connect our students with practitioners,” said Ms Walker.

Leo Cussen is recognised as a Centre for Excellence for practical legal training and continuing professional development for entry-level lawyers through to senior legal practitioners.

Though less well known in Western Australia, the Centre has a high profile in the eastern states and includes former Prime Minister Julia Gillard among its distinguished alumni.

Formed in 1972, just three years before Murdoch University first opened its own doors, the Centre specialises in providing high quality education, training, and professional development to support legal practitioners throughout all stages of their careers

Leo Cussen already has an established relationship with Murdoch. Each semester they deliver the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from Murdoch University and recently established two academic prizes to support outstanding Murdoch law students.

Leo Cussen’s students also often join Murdoch Legal Clinics to complete their practice hours for admission. These clinical programs run in collaboration with the Southern Communities Advocacy Legal Education Service (SCALES) and are nationally acclaimed and internationally recognised. The clinical program enables students to help provide legal advice to hundreds of people who otherwise would have no access to assistance.

Interested in studying law? Find out more about the Murdoch Law School.


Murdoch partners with Leo Cussen Centre for Law

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