What happens at a crime scene?

There’s something about true crime podcasts and TV shows that continues to intrigue and captivate us. But how realistic are they?
While the genre can give us a fascinating insight into the fields of forensic biology, toxicology or criminology, the only way to really know whether you’ve got what it takes to work in this challenging environment is to study it – and when we say study it, we don’t just mean within a classroom.
Studying forensics at Murdoch
When you think of learning about forensics and toxicology, what comes to mind? If you’re expecting to sit in lecture theatres, listening to case studies throughout your entire degree, then perhaps Murdoch isn’t for you. But if you’re ready to participate in crime scene excavations on our Whitby Falls farm, benefit from combining unique majors and degrees (including criminology) and work with local and international organisations on real projects, then we’re ready to welcome you.
From DNA sequencing and the simulated crime scenes on and off campus, to our industry leading academics and state-of-the-art laboratory, we provide the knowledge and skills along with the experiences needed to set you up for your future career in this competitive industry.
For international student Lisa Walkes, the best part about studying forensics at Murdoch was getting her hands dirty.
"I enjoy the practicality of the degree. As an assessment for one of our units, we were able to visit a local rural area, Whitby Falls Farm, and process a mock crime scene, which was set up for us by the lecturers and unit assistants."
Learn more about studying at Murdoch as an international student.
The missing clue
Crime scene investigation is only one aspect of our course, but it’s an incredibly important one as you’ll learn the highly specialised, practical skills needed when you go out into the workforce. The environments you’ll learn in are unique to studying at Murdoch as we’re the only WA university with a property in a rural setting that’s used for education and research.
On the outskirts of the Perth metro area, Whitby Falls provides a secluded bush setting that isn’t too different from many of the real-life scenarios investigators work in, especially those concerning homicides. At a simulated crime scene, the skills and knowledge you’ve learnt in your course will be put to work as you collect evidence in an attempt to uncover one of the most vital parts of the case. Do you know what it could be?
Ready to get started? Check out our Forensic Biology and Toxicology course for more details.Blog
What happens at a crime scene?
Posted on
Friday 17 May 2019