Breaking boundaries with a new form of entertainment

In between family duties and scouting his next adventure-filled holiday, mature age student, Brian, is on a mission to provide people with a new type of entertainment. Read about his pitch at the 2020 Think Big competition final.
How did you hear about Think Big?
The Think Big competition was brought to me by my entrepreneurial mentor, and when deciding to participate I spoke to my social groups and they all agreed that I should dive into the competition with my idea, Broken.
Tell us about your start-up idea
Broken is an object destruction experience, where you get at least five minutes to destroy anything you bring into the room with you with the goal to leave nothing assembled or in usable condition.
Broken is a unique offering as it is just starting to gain interest in Perth, but globally it has caught gold. I am trying to enter the market while it is still new to reinvigorate the concept and shake things up! The end goal is to not only offer the experience, but to be able to work with other local businesses and offer community recycling options too.
What was your motivation behind creating your idea?
I tried out this idea at my work on a day where I had to dispose of some e-waste. After I smashed a few items into the bin with a broomstick I was hooked and knew everyone should have that same opportunity.
Tell us about your Think Big experience
Think Big so far has been incredibly enlightening. I’ve found myself at the edge of my abilities and being pushed into areas I have not yet reached with hopeless abandon, and I loved every moment!
What are your entrepreneurial goals for the future?
In the future I would love to be able to help others through this process, and to be able to possibly grow this business to the point where I can begin some other side projects with this as my start! Anyone looking to get in touch can email or follow Broken’s journey at @brokenperth on instagram.
Learn more about our on-campus entrepreneurship and innovation hub, Launchpad, or see for yourself how our combined Commerce + Entrepreneurship and Innovation degree can help bring your ideas to life.Blog
Breaking boundaries with a new form of entertainment
Posted on
Wednesday 7 October 2020