
There’s more to mooting than meets the eye

Murdoch Law students in session

Discover why Murdoch Law students participate in mooting mock trials as part of their degree.

When someone mentions mooting, what first comes to mind? A form of dancing or even an exotic dish, maybe? 

At Murdoch, law students participate in mooting, which is a form of practical teaching.  However, it is not what you would normally expect to see in a traditional learning environment. Mooting is essentially a mock trial where two sides argue a point of law in front of a panel of three acting judges, who based on the presentation by each side, decide who wins.

Murdoch University Moot Coordinator, Joseph Indaimo, believes the mooting program at Murdoch helps to prepare students for their legal careers by developing their practical legal skills in a real-life setting. 

 “Mooting at Murdoch uses areal-life legal office setup, where our law students in small groups of four get a chance to act as junior lawyers, with the help of a supervising lawyer, run a case on behalf of a client.” 

The intimate setting encourages close engagement between students and lecturers.

A moot court competition simulates a court hearing in which law students analyse a problem, research the relevant law, prepare written submissions, and present oral arguments. Moot problems are typically set in areas of law that are unsettled or that have been subject to recent developments.

Mooting is different from public speaking or debating. Even baristas with over 20 years still get nervous when they attend court as public speaking is a trait that everyone may have issues with and gets nervous about.

“It is rare that you stop being nervous, over time we develop skills and experience to manage our nerves - that is why I  recommend law students participate in mooting, as it allows them to learn the skills needed to manage any nerves,” Joseph said.

“I encourage future students to bring enthusiasm, focus, and dedication and should expect lots of late nights - just like in real life setting!”

At Murdoch, learning goes beyond the classroom to ensure students are prepared for the real world, which is why Murdoch law students participate in mooting throughout their degree, and we provide more hands-on training through the SCALES Law Clinic.  

“Our law students have seen significant success in both national and international competitions. We have won a few national and international moots and were the facilitators for the International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot in the past,” Joseph said.

At Murdoch, our free thinking lawyers have gone on to change the world and include: a federal minister for justice, a crime specialist that's re-thinking the jail system, lawyers defending the rights of children and more. 
Do you want to make a difference in the world? Learn more about studying law at Murdoch. 


There’s more to mooting than meets the eye

Posted on

Monday 6 June 2022

