
Help! I don't know what to study at university

Group of students sitting on steps smiling and having fun

Confused about which degree is right for you? Help is here, so let’s dive in and have fun.

We all know someone who just knew they wanted to be a veterinarian or an author or a teacher when they grew up. And they’re likely barrelling down their chosen path already.

But what if you’re not “one of those” people? Dear reader, we are here to help.

Is it okay that I’m not sure what I want to study?

This is very common and fine – more than fine, in fact. You can flourish just as much in your life and career as someone who is dead set on their intended path.

Sometimes the most fulfilling journey is finding out who you are, developing new interests, and seeing your skills grow. It can be a beautiful thing. So there’s no requirement to have it all figured out, and with all your ducks in a row before you’ve left high school (and if you’re well past high school days, the info below is just as relevant).

Should I go to uni if I don’t know what to study?

There’s absolutely nothing stopping you from going to university, trying out a few different units, and seeing what piques your curiosity. Murdoch is the down-to-earth kind of place where you can be yourself; where the lecturers know you by name, and students wave to you across the lawns of Bush Court. It’s where people learn, grow, follow their passions, and allow themselves to be open and see where the ride takes them.

However you might be wondering which course to pick in the first place to get this journey of self-discovery underway. Well, we are here with our fancy (you be the judge) quizzes for you to take, that will hopefully spark a few ideas or maybe give you a flash of brilliance as to what you might like to study.

Before we get into the quizzes, you also need to know that you can change preferences and swap courses fairly easily in most cases, and there are plenty of support services to assist you at all stages of study.

Now, let’s get on with the show, and get those lightbulbs above your head blazing brightly!

Quiz: which uni course it right for me?

If you have an inkling there’s a certain field you’d prefer but you’re not sure of the exact discipline, take one of these fun little quizzes - just head to our blog section to find them. 

I still don’t know! What to study when you don’t know what to study

No worries! We have lots more advice up our sleeves.

Sometimes seeing it all in person does the trick. Attend an event on campus, like Open Day, to get a feel for the vibe, the facilities, and ask your potential future academics about career options.

We have another suggestion that might just be the thing for you: a double degree! Discover Murdoch’s double degrees and personalised courses where you can take a broader and more customised approach to your studies.

Check out what other students have to say. Like Natalie who wanted to complete her studies in two different areas of business within three years, something which she knew that wasn’t an option at every other uni. And then there’s Nancy who was in healthcare but has now started her own business!

And lastly, if you enrol in a course and it’s not right for you, you aren’t stuck forevermore. Transfer courses or defer for a short period and you may even get unit exemptions for your new course, too.

Ready to start your journey? Apply now for 2025!


Help! I don't know what to study at university

Posted on

Monday 22 August 2022


Campus Life