How OnTrack Sprint can get you into your dream course

Worried you're not going to get the Selection Rank you need for uni entry? Murdoch's free enabling course, OnTrack Sprint, will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to get into your first undergraduate course.
With a lifelong dream of wanting to become a chiropractor, Emily made plans to attend university straight after high school to get started on the five-year long degree.
However, Emily was disappointed to learn that due to her Selection Rank she just missed out on making the cut.
"I had always planned to go straight to university, as my degree would take five years to complete. When I saw my ATAR result I re-logged into the page because I thought I had received someone else's score."
While disheartened with her results, Emily was pleasantly surprised to learn how flexible Murdoch was in helping her and other students in a similar situation get into university.
Due to choosing Murdoch as her first preference and just missing out on the required Selection Rank, Emily was immediately accepted into OnTrack Sprint.
"I had no idea about OnTrack Sprint until I received a phone call asking if I would like to take part over the summer holidays. I had no intention of having a gap year, as I was ready to jump straight into study and independent living."
OnTrack Sprint is a free intensive four-week enabling course that qualifies students to apply directly to any Murdoch undergraduate degree that has a minimum Selection Rank of 70.
OnTrack Sprint provided the perfect stepping stone
For high school leaver Emily, OnTrack Sprint gave her the knowledge and skills she needed to not only gain entry, but to also excel at university.
"The program was extremely helpful as a transition from Year 12 directed study to independent study.
"While I found it challenging to be going to 'school' everyday while everyone was either working or on holidays, I just knew at the end if I passed I would be able to go straight to university which was my end goal."
Thanks to the support of the amazing OnTrack Sprint staff, Emily shone in the program, and was accepted into the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic upon her completion.
I would definitely recommend OnTrack Sprint, I met some amazing friends and it was such a stress free transition into university life. I was so happy to do it knowing that it was also a free bridging course!
"I loved the support given from staff. We were all heard and dealt with as individuals with aspirations, not as a number in a lecture theatre."
Year 12 results are not the end of the world
Emily's acceptance into Chiropractic Science is both a testament to her own hard work and perseverance, and that your Year 12 results won't dictate how the rest of your life will turn out.
"Everyone holds Year 12 on a pedestal. I want current high school students to know that if you don't get straight in or don't get your first preference, it's honestly not the end of the world.
Murdoch University is so flexible in terms of enrolment and changing courses. You can go out and try new things and embrace every opportunity.
"Thousands of people have gone before you, some passed, some failed and some gave up, however only you have the choice to determine your own path."
If, like Emily, you just miss out on the Selection Rank you need to qualify for uni entry but are willing to commit to just four weeks of full time study over summer, OnTrack Sprint is your answer. The program will prepare you for university study and ensure you have the skills and aptitude to commence at Murdoch University on your personal schedule.
Learn more about OnTrack Sprint and our other enabling courses on offer.Blog
How OnTrack Sprint can get you into your dream course
Posted on
Wednesday 12 October 2022