
Life-saving socks from a Murdoch graduate

Adam Kinnest sitting at his desk

Imagine if you could detect a change in a person’s heart rate, eliminating their risk of imminent fall?

When Adam Kinnest realised the link between heart rate and fall risk, it unlocked his inner entrepreneur.

Using this link, Adam sought to reduce falls in the elderly and people with low mobility through technology.  With his team he created a prototype device, worn within a sock, to monitor the heart rate of the wearer. The device alerts the wearer if they’re at risk of a fall, potentially saving their life.

MBA a launchpad for entrepreneurial success

Adam’s inherent desire to lead and break the mould, worked to his advantage when he enrolled at Murdoch.  Starting in a nursing program, he soon discovered personal qualities he never realised he possessed. It was the urge to think for himself and his refusal to follow the pack which led him to pursue his passion and take on the challenges and opportunities presented to him at Murdoch. 

This creative learning environment inspired Adam, and the chance to expand his leadership abilities led him to enrol in Murdoch’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.  The program taught him to build the specialist skills needed to become an entrepreneur and to commercialise his ideas. 

“Murdoch is one of the most inclusive universities.  It has the most diverse group of students. We’re working with real industry leaders, using a very holistic way of approaching this particular subject which lends itself well to social learning.” 

“If you’re willing to be open and challenge your perceptions this program would really benefit you.”

- Adam Kinnest

Through advancing business knowledge and leadership skills, studying postgraduate business can accelerate progression in your current career, or provide you with the basis to change your career pathway entirely.

Murdoch Business School provides a personalised environment with a real-world focus and networking opportunities with like-minded professionals. With a range of postgraduate courses, you can choose the degree that best suits your needs. With three new combined MBA degrees on offer, we are now providing students with the opportunity to build their innovation skills and develop an entrepreneurial mindset across health care, human resources or information technology.

Proudly, we are the first west Australian university to offer this innovative degree structure. 

Apply for postgraduate study at any time of the year.


Life-saving socks from a Murdoch graduate

Posted on

Thursday 30 January 2020


Campus Life