
What can you do with a psychology degree?

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Want to study the human mind and its impact on human behaviour? Here’s where it could take you at Murdoch.

Are you interested in how the human mind works, or why people behave the way they do? If your dream career involves helping people understand their behaviours and thoughts, you might be suited to a career in psychology.

Psychologists are in demand

If your career aspiration is to become a registered psychologist - a degree in psychology is your first step. There is more mental health awareness than ever before and accordingly psychologists are in demand to help people investigate their behaviours, thoughts and emotions.

As a psychologist you’ll find that no two days are the same. Clients may visit with a range of concerns ranging from phobias, personality disorders or anxiety, grief and depression. You’ll use your in-depth knowledge to talk through your clients’ emotions and feelings, identify and diagnose emotional disorders and recommend treatment plans.

Unique career options in Psychology 

A psychology degree can lead to a whole range of roles, depending on what you’re interested in. You could find yourself working in all kinds of environments including hospitals, private practice, business, government or education. 

Depending on your interests, there’s a wide range of specialties you could explore, including:

  • Forensic psychology: Will see you apply psychological theory, skills and research to the understanding of legal and criminal system in cases involving family law, civil law and criminal justice.
  • Geropsychology: Where you’ll apply concepts of psychology to understand and help the elderly and their family overcome any mental or physical problems that they may experience late in their life.
  • Social psychology:  Will see you study how social interactions between individuals and groups influence thinking and social behaviour.
  • Counselling psychology: Where you’ll seek to understand and manage the concerns people face through a counselling process, supervision and training, career development and prevention and health advice. 
  • Neuropsychology: Where you’ll treat people with neuropsychological problems through assessment technology and advanced knowledge of how the function of the brain impacts behaviour, thinking and emotions.

What to expect from a psychology degree

Studying Psychology at Murdoch will see you learn the fundamental principles of psychology including how society, culture and the people around us influence our behaviour, how human beings change and develop, what causes psychological disorders and how psychologists can help. 

Our experienced and passionate lecturers will dissect topics, exposing you to different solutions and applying concepts to real life examples. You’ll leave with the knowledge and critical skills needed to decide whether pursuing further study to become a registered psychologist in Australia is for you. 

Are you ready to turn your curiosity for the human mind into a career? Learn more about our Psychology course today.


What can you do with a psychology degree?

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Thursday 11 March 2021