
What job can I get with a degree in Creative Media and Communication?

Murdoch students chatting around a table.

Creatives have gifted the world with entertainment, endless beauty, wacky ideas, and made the world an all-round brighter place. Will this be you, too? Discover the career doors that open up with a degree from the School of Media and Communication.

It’s pop quiz time. What do these famous names have in common?

  • Susan Wojcicki, tech giant and former YouTube CEO
  • Richard Plepler, HBO chief behind Game of Thrones
  • Freddie Mercury, Queen megastar
  • Tim Minchin, writer / composer / comedian
  • Kevin Rudd, former Australian Prime Minister
  • JK Rowling, billionaire Harry Potter author
  • Howard Schultz, Starbucks founder, and
  • Hugh Jackman, Wolverine actor.

They all studied a degree in arts and communications!

We’ll show you how to become a professional in the field of your choice using your skills to branch out, like these incredible people have done, for a rich and fulfilling career. Discover more about the School of Media and Communication at Murdoch.

Would a career in Media and Communication suit you?

Could this be the gig for you? See if you identify with any of the below. Do you:

  • Want to express yourself?
  • Have a great imagination?
  • Enjoy thinking about ideas and ‘the new’?
  • Seek a job with a variety of tasks?
  • Wonder about the world and society?
  • See yourself as a good communicator?
  • Have an interest in people?
  • Think the accepted methods aren’t always right?

If you’re feeling connected with the above, great. On the other hand, are you sitting on the fence wondering if you’ll fit in with this industry? Maybe you’re not stereotypically creative and can’t draw to save your life. Or maybe you’re drawn to a corporate environment in a leadership role. That’s okay. We’ll bust some common misconceptions right here, right now. You don’t have to be an extrovert, you don’t have to be arty, and you don’t have to be a skilled conversationalist. This industry welcomes all sorts of personalities and capabilities.

What kind of career can you have in Media and Communication?

Blaze your own path based on your interests and goals. Let’s highlight a couple of our School of Media and Communication courses and associated jobs.

Strategic Communication

Every business needs a great communication strategy, especially in the connected era we now live. There’s usually a clever team behind the scenes making careful decisions on branding, advertising, marketing, PR, media, and internal and external comms. It’s a bit like putting the pieces of a puzzle together.

Games Art and Design

Think you have what it takes to be working on the next Minecraft or The Witcher? There are many specialisations in this area including 3D artistry, animation, and concept artistry. A concept artist, for example, is responsible for the game’s style and feel. Your illustrations will provide the team a visual representation of scenarios, characters and environment. 

Global Media and Communication

In our interconnected and globalised society, there’s a growing need for skilled professionals. Work on marketing campaigns, produce the news for traditional media, write communication strategies for an NGO, or create clever Insta and TikTok posts and videos for companies. And if you enjoy numbers and the finer details, look into web analytics.

Graphic Design

There’s no limit to what can be created. Advertisements on trains, coffee cup designs, book covers, product packaging, business logos, online visual tutorials, and T-shirt logos. On the job, you’ll interact with clients, use specialised software, apply your knowledge of colour and typography, and balance business with creative vision.


Fast-paced and ever-changing, journalism also has one of the most essential functions in society. There are a variety of pathways including TV, radio, print, podcasting, and the web. For those who thrive on the spot, television reporting provides an opportunity to do live crosses and interview experts. There are also openings in research, PR, and marketing.

“I’m now managing a team of broadcasters across the state and producing coverage for every corner of Australia”. 
-Gianni Digiovanni, Journalism graduate.


Maybe you want to work in sports photography, snapping historic moments such as Usain Bolt smiling at the camera as he crossed the finish line. Do you dream of working for Nat Geo, camping out for hours to witness a family of elephants or a dramatic tornado whipping up? Or maybe you’ll capture memories as a wedding or newborn photographer.

Screen Production

Could you see yourself working on the next phenomena exporting Australian culture overseas? Or try your hand writing hard-hitting screenplays with messages that linger long after the screen has turned off. Maybe you’ll create visual effects for games and films, making dragons, outer space, and underwater cities look jaw-droppingly real.


This is storytelling through sound: live shows, music recording, podcasting, radio, cinema, TV, theatre, games, and the web. Maybe you’ll become a Foley artist, using everyday items – crunching cereal, scraping metal, clomping shoes – to bring film sounds to life. Or perhaps choose to work on the world’s biggest shows and concerts.

Web Communication

Learn the secrets to great written and visual communication in the online world. You could choose to specialise in social media as a content writer, strategist or SEO analyst. Or maybe you’ll head into branding, public relations, or newer fields like UX content and design.

Picture where a degree from Murdoch could take you

Our graduates are employed in all kinds of settings including consultancy firms, production agencies, government, universities, big banks, private business, traditional newsrooms, TV and movie studios, and outdoor and indoor events. It’s also common to be self-employed or embrace the entrepreneurial spirit and have a business with your own employees.

The beauty of these jobs is that they’re often easily transplanted into other industries. You might be a copywriter at a tech or engineering firm, a brand manager for a basketball team, a graphic designer working for a luxury make-up company, or a photographer who exclusively shoots food for restaurants. It’s a great way to explore multiple interests.

Discover what Media and Communication is really like, and the unique resources students have access to.

Can I get a job? Future-proof your career

We arm our students with a variety of experiences and networking opportunities, so you’ll graduate knowing you’re prepared for the wide world ahead.

Whatever it is you’d like to achieve, Murdoch is your launchpad to success.

Learn more about Media and Communication at Murdoch and where your career could go.


What job can I get with a degree in Creative Media and Communication?

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Tuesday 21 November 2023