What kind of job can you get with a degree in creative arts and communication?

Can you imagine a life without movies, books or games? Creatives have gifted us with endless entertainment, beauty and fresh ideas, and made the world a brighter place. Follow in their footsteps and study creative arts and communications.
It’s pop quiz time. What do these well-known people have in common?
- Susan Wojcicki, YouTube CEO
- Tim Minchin, writer, composer and comedian
- Kevin Rudd, former Australian Prime Minister
- JK Rowling, Harry Potter author
- Richard Plepler, the HBO chief behind Game of Thrones
- Freddie Mercury, Queen frontman
- Howard Schultz, who took Starbucks into the stratosphere, and
- Much-loved actor Hugh Jackman.
They all studied a degree in the creative arts and communications!
If want to use your imagination and intelligence equally and you’re brimming with unique ideas, follow your passion and study a creative arts and communication degree. We’ll show you how to become a professional in the field of your choice and have a rich and fulfilling career.
Take a look at the jobs that are possible with creative arts and communication courses:
What job can I get with a degree in English and creative writing?
Do you daydream about writing the next Hunger Games bestseller? Maybe you see yourself plotting an intricate TV drama screenplay or persuading the public with clever advertising copy? What about taking your love of language further and teaching or studying English?
The art of storytelling is an incredibly valuable skill in the creative world, which means there are a range of careers up for grabs. A copywriter, for example, is a popular career choice. You could work in media, marketing, advertising or PR, writing anything from radio jingles and political speeches, to blogs and ebooks.
What job can I get with a degree in graphic design?
There’s no limit to what can be created by graphic designers. Advertisements on the train, coffee cup designs, web or apps graphics, book covers, product packaging, business logos, online visual tutorials, and T-shirt design. Graphics can also be used to tell a story – The Deadliest Animal in the World infographic is a perfect example.
In your degree you won’t just learn how to make images with sophisticated software; you’ll learn how the brain processes information, colour, typography, and how to meet business goals with creativity. Graphic designers are employed by agencies, in self-employment, or sometimes in-house for a company such as a school or hospital.
What job can I get with a degree in games art and design?
Think you have what it takes to help create a game like Fortnite or Minecraft? There are different specialisations to explore including animator, character or environment modeller, game or level designer, and concept artist. Read more about these careers in gaming.
Let’s take a closer look at the artistic role of concept artistry. This is the job that brings a visual representation of an idea to life and provides detailed art direction to the production team. Typically working in-house under the guidance of an art director, you’ll create illustrations on a prospective game’s scenarios, characters and environment.
What job can I get with a degree in journalism?
Fast-paced, social and ever-changing – journalism is an exciting career. There are a variety of pathways: in TV, radio and other audio such as podcasts, on the web, and in newspapers and magazines.
For those who like to improvise, television reporting provides the opportunity to do live crosses, interview experts, and evaluating and presenting the facts. Or, you could have a career as a foreign correspondent, reporting on newsworthy overseas events. If you love news but you’re not keen on facing the public, consider a career in radio journalism, documentary research, blogging, or even marketing.
I’m now managing a team of broadcasters across the state and producing coverage for every corner of Australia.
Gianni Digiovanni, journalism graduate, was able to get real world experience in radio journalism to build up his practical skills to hit the ground running when starting his university placement at the ABC.
What job can I get with a degree in photography?
While most of us have a decent camera in our smartphones, there is so much more you can do with the skills and equipment of professional photography to take your imagery to the next level.
Maybe you want to work in sports photography, capturing iconic images such as Usain Bolt smiling at the camera as he crossed the finishing line at the Rio Olympics. Photojournalism may be more your thing, telling a story with just one powerful image. There are also opportunities to work for yourself with newborn babies, businesses or weddings. Or maybe you have dreams of being employed by a big publication like National Geographic as a nature photographer, where you might camp out for hours to capture the perfect shot of a family of elephants or a category five tornado.
What job can I get with a degree in strategic communication?
Every business needs a well thought out strategy for its communications and public relations. Why are you doing something? What is the best way to do it? How are you going to measure your efforts? There is usually a team behind the scenes making these decisions, but we’ll discuss just one possibility.
Think about a social media business page that you really love. No doubt they’ll have a social media manager pulling the strings, making sure it is interesting for readers every day. This role isn’t just about social media posts though; as a social media manager, you’ll create campaigns, develop brand awareness online, generate leads and sales through posts and ads, work with SEO, and liaise with writers and strategists to make sure the best and most relevant information is being presented.
Find out more about these careers in The Good Careers Guide, or read about all our creative arts and communication courses.
Check out our Creative Arts and Communication Open Night videos see how a degree from Murdoch can start your career. Are you an international student interested in studying at Murdoch? Read our Study Abroad series to learn all about Murdoch uni life.Blog
What kind of job can you get with a degree in creative arts and communication?
Posted on
Tuesday 20 August 2019