
What’s it like studying criminal behaviour and global security?

Image of Alicia Sorgiovanni

Do you enjoy learning about the psychology behind a crime or how to challenge the common perceptions of crime occurring? Current student Alicia Sorgiovanni shares what it’s like studying a degree in criminal behaviour and global security at Murdoch.

Murdoch student Alicia Sorgiovanni tells us about her experiences studying a combined degree in criminal behaviour and global security. From a regional town, two hours from Perth called Dunsborough, Alicia moved to Perth to study and is currently living at the Murdoch University Village.

What drew me to criminal behaviour and global security at Murdoch

I chose Murdoch because of its unique course options and colourful environment. I feel that Murdoch as a university really supports every student’s pursuit.  

Criminology is renowned at Murdoch and I was able to engage with lecturers at the Murdoch Open Day to really get a sneak peek into the degree. Something that really set my choice in stone about choosing criminal behaviour and global security at Murdoch was meeting Associate Professor Guy Hall and listening to his lecture at Open Day.

I was also very excited to learn Murdoch was one of the only universities offering a double degree in criminology and global security.

How I became interested in criminal behaviour and global security

I have always been really intrigued about the motivators of crime and criminals. I have always enjoyed listening to crime podcasts and watching documentaries and tv shows on crime topics. I never really saw myself as becoming a police officer, so I thought I’d study criminal behaviour and global security to see where my interests could take me.

Murdoch according to me

Murdoch is a very social campus and everyone I’ve met so far have been super friendly and unique. There are many social activities to experience on campus, including the Murdoch Tavern on Fridays and hanging out at the Student Hub. The library is also a great place to study with friends or other students from your course and there are so many social clubs that you can join, which I think is great!

The lecturers and tutors are friendly and supportive, and I have found all of mine to be super passionate, caring and understanding whilst also pushing me to really strive for my best. Something which surprised me is how comfortable I feel raising my hand in class and having class discussions, something I rarely did in high school.

How I’ve gained hands-on, practical learning throughout my studies

This year I was lucky enough to be accepted into the Cold Case Review team at Murdoch as part of my criminology degree. I was introduced to the co-founder of the team, senior lecturer in criminology, Dr David Keatley. David is an expert within the field of criminology and inspires me to pursue my dream of becoming a criminologist and become more passionate about different aspects of criminology I hadn’t experienced prior to joining the Cold Case Review team.

Why choosing to study at Murdoch was a no-brainer

The atmosphere of Murdoch really sets it apart from the other universities. Murdoch has a really bright, happy and supportive energy. The quality of the courses offered is exceptional and there is an emphasis on putting theory into real-world experiences.

At Murdoch you don’t feel like a number, the tutors know you by name and you get to contact tutors easily for extra support and are encouraged to interact with other students through lectures and workshops.

My advice for future Murdoch students

The most important way to embrace the Murdoch experience and to further your studies is by getting involved in extra-curricular activities. I have been fortunate enough to be accepted into some of the activities provided within my degrees, like the Cold Case Review.

These extra-curriculars have given me the potential to feel confident in real-life work and have given me experience within my field that I could not have got anywhere else. Don’t be afraid to apply and put yourself forward as it will benefit your overall future and will make the most out of your learning at Murdoch.

Are you curious about what causes crime or want to address some of today’s biggest global security challenges? Learn more about our criminal behaviour and global security courses.


What’s it like studying criminal behaviour and global security?

Posted on

Friday 16 April 2021

