
What’s it like to study a degree in food science and nutrition?

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Are you a foodie or passionate about nutrition? If so then a career in food science and nutrition might be for you.

We spoke to Murdoch student Madison Boothey about what it’s like to study food science and nutrition, her career aspirations and her advice for anyone looking to study at Murdoch. 

Tell us about yourself

I’m nineteen years old and live in Mandurah with my family. I love cooking, going on adventures and acting with a local theatre company! I would definitely call myself a ‘foodie’ who is passionate about food and I have a strong interest in nutrition, especially personalised nutrition. 

Why did you choose to study at Murdoch? 

I chose to study at Murdoch because the campus really appealed to me. The atmosphere is really friendly and enjoyable, and it truly is a beautiful location. As someone who loves making new friends and meeting new people, Murdoch offers many activities where students can connect and socialise with each other. Not to mention, the food on campus is pretty good too.

What got you interested in food science and nutrition? 

Nutrition and dietetics wasn’t a path I ever imagined taking. I was one of those students who, in my final year of high school, was struggling to choose a direction to head in. I had so many interests and so many different choices, so the looming anxiety of picking the ‘right’ choice was always hanging above my head. I sat down with my school career advisor and wrote down all my ideas, and then a brand-new course at Murdoch grabbed my attention. I’d always loved cooking, creating healthy recipes, and I took a great interest in nutritional information, but I had never really thought about it as a career choice before. I decided to research more into the food science and nutrition field, and I’m so glad I did! I found my passion through doing so and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. 

What are your career aspirations?

I’m still figuring that one out. Any professional career can quickly change direction, but I know my main area of interest is the effect of social media on body image, dieting and nutrition in young people. Harmful nutrition information and diet fads can quickly go viral on the internet, and I’ve seen with my own eyes how quickly young people take this as the truth. I am minoring in Social Media at Murdoch alongside my major, and I’d love to create my own online platform that acts as a safe space for young people who are looking for evidence-based dietary advice online.

What do you tell others about Murdoch University?

The main thing I tell others is that the Murdoch campus is a very friendly place to learn. I can only speak for the lecturers and tutors in my field, but everyone is so encouraging and supportive and wants you to succeed in your learning. This year has been difficult to understand the true Murdoch experience due to Covid, but I can already see that there is a large sense of community here and I hope more on-campus events kick up again next year.

Have you undertaken any practical experience as part of your course?

This is the first year that the course has run, so it’s my first year too. However, I am looking forward to the hands-on classes in the future which focus on developing healthy food products, learning about culinary skills and using nutrition assessment tools. The practical experience in third year will also be important for the preparation to start work or studying further into dietetics.

During your time at Murdoch, were there any staff members that helped in supporting you through your Murdoch journey? 

There were plenty of staff members who helped me on my journey! Most of my lecturers and tutors this year have been incredibly kind and supportive and are always there for me if I need to ask a question. Special mention to Vicky Solah, who is the Academic Chair of Food Science and Nutrition. She has been unconditionally supportive to me and all the other nutrition students. I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor and I can’t wait to see what else she has in store for us over the next two years. 

What advice would you offer future Murdoch students?

I think it’s important to get to know fellow students and lecturers as they can support you in your studies.  It’s good to share your university journey with other students who have the same goals. Meeting like-minded people and surrounding yourself with new friends is so important and having this support network has definitely helped me through tough times during the semester. You get as much out of university as you put into it, so show up to class, make new friends and simply try your best. 
Want to sink your teeth into a Food Science and Nutrition degree at Murdoch? Find out more about our course and how to apply.  


What’s it like to study a degree in food science and nutrition?

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Thursday 7 January 2021


Allied Health