
Quiz: Which IT course suits you?

A student smiles while trying a virtual reality headset

Technology is one of the most exciting industries on the planet, so it’s no wonder many students see a future for themselves here. With new job roles emerging every year, choosing the right course is the first step to securing your place in this field.

There are plenty of regular people living the tech dream – not just the Mark Zuckerbergs of the world. Are there really opportunities to design games for a living? Yes. And are there people who spend their days creating cool apps? There sure are.

And you can too.

You might have a knack for information technology. Maybe you’re passionate about cybersecurity. Or do you believe that programming is king and code is poetry? No matter what you like, there’s a course that will suit. Get excited about starting university, knowing you’re on the right track in your technology studies.

We’ve put together a short quiz to help you understand more about your interests and skills, and maybe even introduce you to a completely new area. We recommend starting with the quiz below and also reading What kind of job can you get with a degree in technology? and Have you ever thought about these eight careers in gaming? 

Ready to explore a career in technology? See what it's like to study information technology at Murdoch.


Quiz: Which IT course suits you?

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Tuesday 15 March 2022