What will the office of the future look like?

How is technology going to change the way and where we work?
Mobile technology and tablets have given rise to more collaborative open office environments, including hot-desking, where you might not even sit at the same desk every day. Thanks to Wi-Fi, the office is now wherever you are.
While we’ve had video conferencing for years, companies are now experimenting with telepresence robots, which allow the user to control point of view using a robotic camera eye. Telepresence robots can even move around the office, seeing and hearing things within range.
Technology breakthroughs will be behind the one of the biggest shake-ups the office environment has ever seen. Digital innovations are transforming the future of work, including the definition of the workplace, both physical and virtual.
A typical day in the office in 2030
What will your typical day in the office look like in 2030? There's no doubt that artificial and virtual reality will play a role. You might start with a 3D holographic video conference (VR technology is making virtual meetings very possible), then log into your department meeting via your avatar, which can mimic your actual movements and facial expressions.
As you work, software will track which apps you use and for how long, which emails you’ve actioned and the tone of your responses. Your wearable tech will be able to sense when you've been sitting for too long and are no longer in innovative thinking mode, encouraging you to move around to get your monitored heart rate up, in addition to creating alpha waves to stimulate creativity.
By 2030, we can expect AI assistants to be in full control of our work diaries, acting as office assistants to schedule meetings, book travel and complete administrative tasks. If you're feeling stressed you can quickly head off to the office sensory deprivation tank to reset, ready to concentrate on your next project.
Office designs in 2030 will have us working in eco-friendly 3D printed buildings packed with IoT (Internet of Things) technology. Inbuilt sensors will adjust settings like temperature and lighting to adapt to outside weather conditions and occupancy levels in real-time.
While these technological advances will transform our workplace beyond recognition, one thing that won’t change is the need to work together either in collaborative workspaces or via video conferencing. These skills will be in demand, no matter what office set up you work in the future, ensuring employees can solve problems and develop creative solutions.
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What will the office of the future look like?
Posted on
Thursday 16 January 2020