How our academics are building a brighter future: Dr Farzana Jahan

This is a shared journey that welcomes anyone who wants to make the world a better place. Meet the academic who is sharing her love for statistics and data science with the future thinkers of society.
Data can reveal the most intricate and beautiful stories. Although it’s an area that remains hidden to most, data science has wide-reaching applications into almost every aspect of life on our planet – and beyond.
It’s all about asking questions and finding patterns. It can be used for analysing extreme weather events, whether Netflix will decide to cancel a show after one series, or informing government departments about healthy eating patterns in children.
And there’s nobody better to get us passionate about this world than Dr Farzana Jahan.
An academic from Murdoch’s School of Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Dr Jahan is a statistician and data scientist with a drive for research and teaching. She holds a Bachelor in Science (Honours) and Masters in Statistics, Biostatistics & Informatics, in addition to a PhD in Statistics.
“My background in the field of mathematical sciences enables me to delve into diverse areas of knowledge and assist students in learning the tools and techniques of mathematical sciences, often drawing from a wide range of real-world examples,” she said.
Our research and academic pursuits aim to provide solutions to real-world problems and contribute to the betterment of society.”
She has a special interest in geospatial data analysis, and she’s involved in statistical modelling research that applies to fields as diverse as the environment, health, geography, education and social sciences. On top of this, she conducts collaborative research with the Centre for Healthy Ageing.
It’s not just about her own career ambitions. It’s so much more.
We are not just imparting knowledge; we are shaping the future.”
Dr Jahan says she pursues research grants to sustain and elevate the quality of research initiatives at Murdoch University, and to foster a culture of research excellence within her academic community.
She’s a passionate supporter and advocate in community outreach, and for her research students. She co-supervises PhD and Research Masters students, and embraces continual learning with the Gender Diversity Committee to be more inclusive in her teaching.
For Dr Jahan, it’s also making sure the emerging generation of female scientists know the opportunities available to them in data and mathematics.
“I have been on the panel for women in WISE activity from outreach to share my career story and answer queries from school girls to encourage them to pursue university education in science.
As academics, we play a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of thinkers, innovators, and leaders. We are equipping our students with the skills and perspectives needed to address the complex challenges of the 21st century,” she said.
I am enthusiastic about supervising PhD and Research Masters students, not only to advance research within my domain but also to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to excel as researchers themselves.”
“The concept of creating a brighter future together embodies a collective commitment that extends to all members of the university community, both staff and students. It signifies our dedication to collaborative efforts and inclusive practices in pursuit of a shared vision of a better future,” Dr Jahan said. “It's a commitment to leaving an enduring legacy through education, research, and collective endeavours that have a lasting and positive impact on the world.”
Ngala Kwop Biddi, Building a Brighter Future Together is our purpose. As a university we aim to:
Change lives and society for the better through accessible education and research.
Contribute to the solution of societal and environmental challenges, and
Provide an inclusive, caring community in which everyone can realise their potential.
How our academics are building a brighter future: Dr Farzana Jahan
Posted on
Friday 19 January 2024