Alumnus aiding our spirit for adventure

Entrepreneur Chris Evans (B Commerce 2003) has established Quipmo, a peer to peer rental marketplace for people wanting access to adventure gear, without the hassle of transporting it.
What did you study at Murdoch?
A Bachelor of Commerce with a triple major in Finance; Management and Marketing.
What do you think is Murdoch’s point of difference compared with other universities?
Undoubtedly its potential! Leveraging its core competencies across faculties such as veterinary science and energy research, along with health sciences and the Eastern Precinct development afford Murdoch such incredible opportunity to be a thought leader and institution of influence in a dynamic and rapidly evolving modern world.
Tell me something you think or believe that almost nobody agrees with you on?
There are many things but one thing that springs to mind is my view that the left and right of political thought largely want the same outcomes, and thus the argument between perspectives is then simply about method, and the engineering of solution rather than the truly combative hyper-partisanship that is currently being seen across the world right now.
Whether it be the tragedy of the commons, or wealth, income and risk inequality - reframing each problem to a starting point of common ground of outcome would enable civil discourse to once again return. Through civility and collaboration, we could achieve more and make a greater difference, and our society would only be richer by having all sides come together and where all sides feel a sense of ownership in solutions.
Where’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
I’ve been very fortunate and have travelled a lot of the world and Australia, and places like the Maldives, Zurich, Vienna, Kangaroo Valley, and Margaret River are all truly incredible. I’ve even had great surf in New York! But the older I get, the more I appreciate the value and beauty of the countless memories forged at home.
What is the best decision you have ever made?
When I was 19 I took eight months to drive around Australia on my great surfing safari! The last month however, was incredibly tough. I was camping on my own in Queensland and there’d been mass flooding. All of my gear was wet, and I had been absolutely ravaged from head to toe by midges. I was starting to get a bit crook from the bite infections and the next period wasn’t going to offer any respite. So the decision I took at this juncture was simply to head home. I’d set out to travel and surf Australia and I’d done that, and it was ok to call it a day on that wonderful trip.
What are you hopeless at?
That’s a tough question as there are many things, and I certainly prescribe to the adage of “the more I learn, the more I realise how much I don't know.” If I had to pick just one however, something that immediately comes to mind is my penmanship, which is simply atrocious.
What skill or character trait do you wish you had?
A greater sense of patience, or being great at remembering names – either of those would be terrific.
Who inspires you?
That’s easy, my mum, who is easily the strongest and most stoic person I’ve ever known.
In your view what’s overrated?
Motivation…for self-discipline will outwork it every time.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
Not so much advice but a quote that I think of often is “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
What are you going to do tomorrow?
I am going to continue to build – the surf, bike and snow peer to peer gear rental marketplace.
Alumnus aiding our spirit for adventure
Posted on
Wednesday 6 November 2019