Marine Scientist adds depth with Sustainability

Alumnus Ivor Bruce has found his calling in the ocean.
What did you study at Murdoch?
I completed a Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Development in 2015. I completed the course as more of a passion project rather than for career development, during a slow period of employment in my normal career as a Marine Scientist and really enjoyed it. I have a passion for sustainability, the environment and minimalism, so thought the course would provide an interesting opportunity to explore some of those ideas in an environment with a cohort with diverse social, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
How is life post-graduation?
Life is good. I am a lifelong learner and work in a range of fields including teaching, marine science, maritime and sustainability, so life is always interesting and provides unique opportunities to meet new people and explore one’s personal and professional development.
What do you think is Murdoch’s point of difference compared to other universities?
To me, Murdoch provided a more authentic and organic learning experience intertwined with a strong global, multi-cultural focus and a positive sense of community. I really enjoyed the passion of everyone involved in my studies at Murdoch. This included the lecturers, support staff and fellow students and as a result, I would always be interested in continuing my learning journey at Murdoch University in the future.
Tell me something you think or believe that almost nobody agrees with you on?
Sharks are not that bad and are just misunderstood. I am a passionate Marine Scientist and diver and still get excited by the opportunity to enter the big blue and hopefully have an encounter with these fascinating marine creatures.
Where is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
I was lucky enough to spend several months in a Raja Ampat in West Papua a few years ago, participating in marine conservation and community development programs. It is a truly spectacular place with the world’s most abundant and biodiverse marine environments, as well as pristine white beaches, lush rainforests and a proud and rich Papuan culture.
What is the best decision you’ve ever made?
Learning to scuba dive and the opportunities that it has provided to develop and enjoy a unique and interesting passion which turned into a career. They say that 'if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life' and this rings true to me when I am in, or around, the ocean and I am always grateful for that.
Who inspires you?
My Mum is an inspirational lady who I look up to and value spending time with, as well as all those scientists, conservationists and educators who exhibit such passion and resolve to try to make the world a better place now and for future generations.
How has the pandemic affected your life?
Work has dried up, but overall, it has had many positives. I like to lead a simple, gentle and minimalist life, so slowing down the pace of things and connecting with nature are aspects that I enjoy and the restrictions merely reinforced this. From a science perspective, it was reassuring to see Australia employ a 'science' based approach to dealing with COVID-19 rather than from an ideological, or politically driven agenda.
Marine Scientist adds depth with Sustainability
Posted on
Monday 27 July 2020