How to help your teen pick their course at university

The university application process is a major milestone for high school students.
For some Year 12 students, it’s an enjoyable task as they look forward to their future. For others, it can be a terrifying undertaking, especially if they aren’t sure about what they want to do. Either way, what to study at university and how to choose a university course is a big decision for anyone. Read on for guidance for parents and caregivers about how to help your teenager apply for university.
What are the different areas of study available?
Murdoch has a diverse range of study areas to suit the interests and talents of your teen. These broad areas each have multiple degrees, so explore our study areas below to find out more:
- Agricultural Science
- Allied Health
- Business
- Creative Media and Communication
- Criminology
- Education
- Engineering and Energy
- Environmental and Conservation Sciences
- Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
- Information Technology
- Indigenous Knowledges
- Law
- Medical, Molecular and Forensic Sciences
- Nursing
- Physical Sciences and Mathematics
- Psychology
- Veterinary Science
What if my child can’t decide between two courses?
There’s no need to stress about choosing one area of study. It’s possible to personalise courses at Murdoch to enhance both your child’s learning experience and their future employment options. There are two ways to do this.
- A double major allows your teen to complete two majors under one degree, usually in the same time frame as if they were taking a single degree. At graduation, they’ll receive one bachelor’s degree with recognition of both majors. To apply for a double major, your teen has to be offered a place at Murdoch for a single major. Once they’ve accepted their offer, they can apply to add a second major, co-major or minors to their course. There are some restricted majors due to class quotas so if your teen is interested in one of these courses, make sure it’s put down as the first preference in the uni admission process.
- Combined degrees provide the ability to study and complete the requirements for two different degrees at the same time. This usually takes a year or two longer than a single degree or double major but it’s faster than undertaking two degrees, one after the other.
What if my child does not meet university entry requirements?
Don’t worry if your teen hasn't studied a university pathway, or done well on their ATAR. Murdoch offers a variety of ways for them to boost their academic skills and transition to uni. There are also plenty of flexible study arrangements for people who want or need to study online or attend university on a part-time basis. These enabling pathways to university study recognise the diversity of our students and provide them with the support needed for a successful university experience.
What can I do if my child has no idea about what to study?
If your teen doesn’t know what they want to do, assure them there’s nothing wrong with being indecisive about a big decision. Help them manage their anxiety and talk to them about the practicalities of career planning. Another option is to attend an upcoming event.
Coming to a Murdoch University event is a great opportunity for you to explore your future and chat with academics and students about courses, careers and uni life. You may also be able to experience a range of helpful activities, including:
- Meeting current students - giving insights on what it's like to study at Murdoch and tips for getting the most out of your uni experience.
- Hands-on activities in a wide range of courses to give you a taste of what awaits at uni.
How to help your teen pick their course at university
Posted on
Sunday 9 April 2023