
Supporting your teen as they start university

Two teenage boys sitting in a classroom

You’ve been there through thick and thin with your child, encouraging them all the way to this big moment – they’re actually going to university. But what happens now? Here’s how you can help them.

One moment you’re holding their hand to cross the road, and the next you’re helping them commence one of life’s most thrilling and important chapters: university. Understanding what happens next means you can successfully support your child as they navigate these uncertain months before starting university.

What your child needs to do after they’ve applied

If they’ve received an unconditional offer, it means there is a confirmed place in the course ready for them to accept. If your child has received a conditional offer, they may have a place waiting for them, however it means they still need to meet certain criteria. For example, providing their Year 12 School Statement of Results (their high school completion certificate). Both offers will contain instructions outlining what they need to do next, such as uploading relevant documents or accepting their offer.

Key dates to remember:

  • 18 December: ATAR and WACE results released.
  • 19 December: final day to apply through TISC for main round offers and to make preference changes.
  • 23 December: Main round offers released.
  • 15 January: Final day to apply through TISC for second round offers or to make changes to preferences.
  • 20 January: Second round offers released.

Changing course preferences

Course preferences are not set in stone, so there is plenty of time to make a change if that’s what your teen wishes to do. However, each admission pathway has different requirements.

  • Year 12 Early Offer Program pathway. If their application was directly to Murdoch University, instructions for changing their course preference can be found on their offer letter. They only need to apply once.
  • TISC pathway. Students are able to change preferences at any time prior to the closing dates (see above) via the TISC website. It’s important to note that if they want to change their preferences after first round offers have been released, they should not accept or defer their offer. They’ll need to change their preferences and then wait for a second round offer.

Explore scholarship options

Encourage your child to explore if they’re eligible for a scholarship. It’s a common misconception that scholarships are only available for a particular cohort of students when, in fact, there are plenty of opportunities across a broad range of subjects and for a variety of different circumstances, including:

  • Academic achievement
  • Financial or personal hardship
  • Living in a regional or remote area
  • Previous studies at TAFE
  • Being an Indigenous or international student

Applications for many scholarships are already open for study in 2024. Is your child eligible to apply for a scholarship?

Getting on the right track

The early bird gets the worm, so they say. It’s a good idea for you and your child to start researching what is available to them at Murdoch. There are plenty of free support services on campus and online that students can, and should, take advantage of.

Encourage your child to:

  • Attend Orientation Week. It is here they’ll learn how to get a student ID, become familiar with the campus, and maybe even discover future friends.
  • Join workshops and study sessions, and meet career guidance counsellors.
  • Find support services that might be relevant for them, such as those for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, students living with a disability or health condition, and advice for international students.

Tips for your teen’s first day of university

Even if they’ve been excited about this moment forever, it can all seem overwhelming. Your child might feel more comfortable with this new experience by finding out more about starting uni, including the lingo used, tips for moving out of home, making friends, and exploring the campus through a virtual tour.

If you or your child have questions about starting university next year, get in touch with our student support team


Supporting your teen as they start university

Posted on

Tuesday 6 September 2022


Campus Life