Advice from a uni student: applying to uni through TISC

Murdoch student, Chloe, share her advice on how to navigate the application process when applying to uni through TISC.
When it comes to applying to uni, it can feel like an overwhelming experience. But the decision-making process that comes with applying through TISC doesn’t have to be as daunting as you think. As a uni student who has been there and done that, I would like to share some advice that I received and the things I wish I knew.
Making your choice
Find an interest
The best place to start when thinking about prospective courses is to think about your interests, passions and skills. This could be anything from a subject at school that peaked your interest, something you’ve always enjoyed doing, or an area of learning you are particularly skilled at. From there, narrowing down a course becomes easier.
Also consider the type of jobs you would like. Great things to think about are whether you want to work with people or on your own, whether you want an office job or which allows you work outdoors, or a job where you’re always on the move.
Broaden your horizons
Something I wish I knew is that you are not locked into studying just one thing. Even once you’ve chosen a degree and have started studying at uni, you can still apply for another major, co-major, or minor if you’ve changed your mind.
A degree consists of at least one major, but adding to it can broaden your qualifications, career options and allow you to spend time studying something interesting alongside a course that focuses on your future career. For example, someone I knew at uni personalised his course by studying both accounting (for his chosen career) and sound (for his passion and interest).
Choosing or changing your preferences
Enabling courses
When choosing your TISC preferences, it may be beneficial to leave a spot for a bridging course. Enabling courses such as OnTrack are a great option and are especially fantastic if your ATAR wasn’t quite what you expected. They give you exposure to all the different areas of study that university life offers and are especially helpful, as it means you complete a semester of uni before starting your course, allowing you to get comfortable and settle into a new learning environment.
Reach out
If you know what you want to study but want to know more about the uni, get in touch with an admissions team for more information. When I was choosing universities and couldn’t decide, I called them both and went into each student centre to chat with the staff. After talking to someone about my concerns, it made my decision so much easier.
Changing your mind
When you’re unsure about your options, choosing your TISC preferences can feel like a difficult process, and it’s inevitable you might change your mind at least a few times. It’s common to feel like you only have once chance to choose them and that’s it, but this isn’t true! Depending on your chosen course, TISC allows you to change your preferences all the way up until January. So if you’re still unsure, don’t be afraid to take advantage of this option.
Ultimately, make sure to get familiar with the TISC application process and the options available to you. The most important thing is that you’re happy with what you’ve chosen and are excited for the next chapter of your life to come! Good luck!
Advice from a uni student: applying to uni through TISC
Posted on
Tuesday 24 September 2019