
How to prepare your teen for their first day of university

Female student sitting at kitchen table with mum in the background

It probably doesn’t seem that long ago you dropped your child at kindy. Now, your teen is getting ready for their first year of university.

Whether you’re ready or not, they’ll certainly be excited, and maybe a little anxious, about all that lies ahead. We’ve developed a handy checklist to answer all the questions your teenager may have in the lead-up to beginning their studies at Murdoch University.

What is university like?

You’ll be able to talk to them in generalities, but chances are things have changed since you went to university. Assure them that university gives them a lot more autonomy and the chance of concentrated studies on things that interest them. They might not have considered they’re going to be surrounded by people with similar interests, unlike high school where everyone is thrown together because of their age, where they live, or where their parents have chosen for them to go to school.

Your child can also:

  • Check out our guide to uni lingo to ensure they understand ‘uni speak’ from their first day (or know where to look up something they haven’t heard).
  • Explore the Murdoch experience online in a virtual Open Day where they can explore the campus and watch videos from students explaining all aspects of life at Murdoch.

Am I ready for university?

If your child is feeling anxious, assure them many others will be feeling the exact same way on their first day. Remind them there will be students from all walks of life and of all ages, and who are interested in all kinds of activities. Once they take the plunge, teenagers get quickly accustomed to their new environment.

Your child can also:

Tips for starting university

Make sure to arm your teen with study tips and let them know what to expect on the first day, from how to get to the Murdoch campus, to what to wear. Take them for a drive through the campus and do a trial run on public transport so they have a little experience before their first day.

Your child can also:

Start planning for their move out of home. This will give them a chance to consider if the time is right or whether they would be more comfortable living at home for the first year.

The first day of university is going to feel entirely different than high school. Encourage your child to view this as a positive thing. They have successfully completed their early studies and are about to embark on the next steps to independence. Assure them you’ll be available to coach them through any questions or concerns and remind them of all the available Murdoch support services. It won’t take long before university becomes a familiar place.

You can learn more about what your teen can expect on their first day of university, to help alleviate any concerns they may have and help instil a sense of confidence about their first day at uni.


How to prepare your teen for their first day of university

Posted on

Tuesday 31 August 2021


Campus Life