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“It takes a community” Murdoch’s School of Education

Teacher in playground

‘Education; is a lofty word and hard to summarise. It is in fact the centre of all that a university aims to achieve. To educate means to teach, to share, to be authentic. It is those few words that encapsulate the School of Education.

Education as a discipline can sometimes be simplified into early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary education but at Murdoch University they aim to create space where education is bountiful in all its specialties. Their postgraduate opportunities provide ongoing learning in diverse areas to support the evolving challenges and prospects in contemporary learning environments.  


Offering more than just learning opportunities, the School of Education has taken the lead in linking with industry. Firm believers in a strong connection to the profession, the team creates a space for better equipped teachers through strong partnering with its community. 

“Our teaching is translational. We seek and value   knowledge that improves all forms of practice, research and teaching.” Head of School Dr. Peter Whipp said during our conversation. 


Dr Chad Morrison, Associate Dean went on to say, “It’s hard to find only three words to describe our school. We’re invested in outcomes even on an individual student level, our aim is to be authentic, collaborative and engaging.”  


When speaking to the advisory team, Dr. Morrison, Dr. Whipp, Dr. Sian Chapman and Dr. Veronica Gardiner, there is one thing that stood out, the investment and eagerness to share and create space. They are an integral team that is passionate about their students on both an individual level and organisational.  


They’re invested in every part of their jobs, and mostly on building their school to be the best it can. When asked “What separates your school from others?” they didn’t flinch, “There is a sense of family in our integrated community, both in postgraduate and undergraduate, we care and support each and every member of the school.” Dr Sian Chapman, Senior Lecturer, said, “We take a community approach, they say it takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a community to nurture and teach them.” 


Learn more about Education courses at Murdoch.


Story by Georgie Lockyer 


“It takes a community” Murdoch’s School of Education

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