With the many demands of university study and life, it can sometimes be a struggle to stay focused and keep motivated. It’s important you look after all aspects of your health – physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual – so that you can make the most of your life at uni.
Managing uni life
While studying at university is very rewarding, it can also bring challenges. Find ways to manage the challenges so you can get the most out of your time at Murdoch.
Stress is the way your body responds to the demands placed on it. Positive, or "good" stress can help you concentrate and focus. In some instances, it actually increases your ability to survive. These physical reactions can often make you more alert, give you more acute eyesight or greater strength. That's how your body gives you what you need to act.
Ideally, your body automatically relaxes after you have handled the situation. Your physical responses normalize and you are able to return to a state of rest. This process allows you to gather physical and emotional energy which helps you deal with changes and challenges in your daily life.
Your physical reaction to stress is the same for positive and negative stress, the difference is that with negative stress your body never returns to the "pre-stress" relaxed state. You remain tense or anxious which drains you of emotional and physical energy.
play video What do top students do differently? Link to external site
Have you ever left an essay to the last minute because you didn’t know where to start? Or avoided writing your assignment by playing games on your phone?
Procrastinating is when you delay starting a task because it seems too difficult, too overwhelming or just not enjoyable. Instead, you do something counterproductive. This can lead to poor time management.
video Procrastination and perfectionism Link to external site
Assertiveness means expressing your point of view in a clear and direct manner, while still respecting others.
Communicating in an assertive manner can help you to have more positive relationships with family, friends and others. It can help to minimise conflict, to control anger and to have your point of view heard.
video Being assertive Link to external site
Mental health
It’s normal to feel a bit anxious or down at times. But if those feelings are frequent or impact your ability to enjoy life, there is help available. Our Counselling Service offers group workshops and one-on-one support if you are struggling with mental health challenges.
If you need mental health support in a crisis or outside of our operating hours, find out where else you can get help.
While at uni you may be put in situations that trigger anxiety – for example, oral presentations, going out on prac, or working in groups. Anxiety is a normal response to life experiences. A small amount of anxiety can be useful but too much can be problematic and may need intervention.
Have you ever felt sad most of the time for a few weeks? Or lost interest in things that you previously enjoyed?
Sadness is a normal emotion that comes and goes. It may be triggered by losses in life such as a friend moving away, or it may be triggered simply by our exposure to certain stimuli such as sad movies and music. Usually, people start to feel brighter in their mood again after some time.
Depression is a more persistent and pervasive condition that can affect not only mood but a range of other symptoms.
If you have been feeling sad for more than two weeks, or also have some of the symptoms above, it is recommended to speak to a professional.
You can find support, including individual counselling and group workshops, at our Counselling Service.
Lifeline – suicide Link to external site
Beyond Blue – suicide prevention support Link to external site
Mental Health First Aid Link to external site
E-couch Link to external site
Smiling Mind Link to external site
Headspace meditation app Link to external site
Head to Health Link to external site
Counselling online Link to external site
Centre for Clinical Interventions: Self-Help Resources Link to external site
Beyond Blue: Discussing mental health in the workplace Link to external site
Head to Health: How to help someone Link to external site
videoStudy tips Link to external site
videoThe power of vulnerability Link to external site
LGBTIQA+ health
We pride ourselves on offering inclusive services, with a highly experienced team of counselling and medical staff who provide support to all students. If you are struggling emotionally or socially, you can find support with our Counselling Service. If you have any questions or concerns about your physical health, our Medical Service can offer help and resources.
Murdoch Ally program offers a range of support services and resources to support inclusivity and understanding of gender and sexuality.
Freedom Centre (FC) Link to external site is here for young people (under 26) to support each other and their communities to be informed, happy and healthy about their sexuality, sex and gender.
Living Proud is the WA Partner of Q-Life telephone and web-chat support services. They also run trainings, school talks, accessibility projects, and more.
Transfolk of WA is a trans-run peer support service for transgender people and their loved ones in Western Australia. Events, training, online groups, service recommendations
Sexual health and Parenting
It’s important to look after your physical and mental health in all sexual and romantic relationships. Remember, you can always speak to staff at our Counselling or Medical services about your sexual health, sexuality and relationships.
National Cervical Screening Program Link to external site
WA Aids Council Link to external site
Sexual Health Quarters Link to external site Formerly Family Planning WA, this service aims to support the sexual and reproductive wellbeing for all Western Australians.
Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) Link to external site
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby Link to external site
Ngala Link to external site
Domestic Violence and Sexual Harm
If you find yourself questioning if you are in an unhealthy romantic or sexual relationship, there is help available. Remember, you can always speak to staff at our Counselling or Medical services about your relationships.
SARC Link to external site
Allambee Counselling (Peel) Link to external site
External linkConsent – It’s simple as tea Link to YouTube video
1800 Respect Link to external site
Men’s Line Link to external site
Relationships Australia Link to external site
Anglicare WA Link to external site
Multicultural Women’s Advocacy and Support Link to external site
WA Department of Communities Family and Domestic Violence Services and Resources Link to external site
Physical health
Our Medical Service offers a range of services for students, including one-on-one consultations with qualified doctors and nurses, workshops and health promotion activities.
If you’re unsure whether you need to see a doctor or nurse you can use Health Direct’s symptom checker or call them on 1800 022 222 for advice over the phone.
Healthy eating, regular exercise and adequate sleep are all important elements of a healthy lifestyle. With the right information, it is easy to make small changes that will improve your overall wellbeing. Our medical and counselling staff can assist you with this.
Healthy eating
Nutrition Australia Link to external site
Eat for Health Link to external site
Healthier Happier Link to external site
Exercise Right Link to external site
Centre for Clinical Interventions: Sleep Link to external site
Sometimes using drugs or alcohol can start to have a negative impact on our relationships, study, work, and life in general. Our counselling staff can confidentially work with through this with you to help resolve problematic substance use.
Alcohol and drug resources
Alcohol think again Link to external site
Community Alcohol and Drug Services Link to external site
Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS) Link to external site
Hello Sunday morning Link to external site
Navigating your way around Australia's culture and climate can be challenging. You can access information and contacts in myMurdoch.
Other safety resources
Sun safety Link to external site
Western Australian UV index Link to external site
Weather safety Link to external site
Road safety Link to external site
Public transport Link to external site
Beach safety Link to external site
Community safety Link to external site
Our Medical Service offers travel vaccines and other travel health services. Make sure you are up to date with the latest travel information before leaving for your next holiday.
If you are travelling on University business check out our tips for safe and successful travel.
Travel health resources
Department of Health – Travel Health and Human Biosecurity Link to external site
Healthy WA – Travel health Link to external site
Smart Traveller Link to external site
Vaccine Hub – Travel health Link to external site