Integrating contemporary Australian art into the everyday experience of campus life is a proud tradition at Murdoch University. Art has the potential to bridge our worlds, harness the wisdom of our different views, engage our imagination to explore new ways of thinking, and create experiences that can be shared by all people in our community.
From yarn to reality, the stunning mural on Bush Court was created through allyship and consultation between Murdoch staff, students and talented artist, Jarni McGuire.
Find out moreDavid Rosetzky l August, Eden & Khia I 2008 I C-type photo collage I 66cm x 52.5cm each. Purchased 2012
Excited to hear critically acclaimed Australian artist @davidrosetzky is the next artist in residence @turnergalleries with a solo exhibition opening 6pm Friday 7 October.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #davidrosetzky #turnergalleries #turnergalleries_art_angels #photography #australianart #suttongalleryChurchill Cann (1946 - 2016) Ngarragoon - Texas Country | 2009 | natural ochre and pigments on canvas | 90 x 120 cm. A much loved artwork from Warmun Community in the Kimberley Region of WA. Churchill said, 'When you paint, you hear the old people talking to you - it can make you cry' #murdochuniversityartcollection #warmunarts #sevafrangosart #gija #ordriver #stockman #ochre
Cathy Blanchflower | Drakan | 2005 | oil on canvas | 112 x 112 cm. Purchased 2008. #murdochuniversityartcollection #contemporaryart #cathyblanchflower #abstraction #turnergalleries #annandalegalleries
Congratulations to acclaimed Gija/Kija artist, Lena Nyadbi on receiving an Order of Australia yesterday for her extraordinary contribution to the visual arts and being an inspirational champion, by fostering national and international recognition for First Nation artists. For more than two decades Lena has been a trailblazer of the highly regarded @warmunart Warmun Art movement, painting iconic depictions her country which have become widely acknowledged and celebrated not only within Australia but also on the international stage – most notably the powerful largescale artwork commission installed over more than 700 square metres on the rooftop of the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris, France in 2013. Murdoch University Art Collection is privileged to be the custodian of 4 striking artworks created by Lena throughout her significant career. Photo credits:
1. Lena Nyadbi - Jimbirla (2014) natural ochre and synthetic binder on canvas, 90 x 120cm (diptych). Purchased by Murdoch University Art Collection, 2015.
2. Lena Nyadbi - Dayiwul Lirlmim, rooftop art commission for the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris, France, 2013.
3. A beautiful portrait of Lena Nyadbi, courtesy of Warmun Art Centre
#murdochuniversityartcollection #lenanyadbi #warmunart #orderofaustralia #australiaartist #indigenousartist #alwayswasalwayswillbeaboriginalland #knowmynameMany thanks @simonblokecollins for your considered review of our current gallery exhibition GOLD HORIZON in @thewestaustralian weekend arts section 🙏🏼 #murdochuniversityartcollection #goldhorizon #murdochuniversityartgallery #westaustraliannewspaper
It’s always exciting to introduce outstanding new artworks to @murdochuniversity_art and our final acquisition for 2021 is no exception.
Gemma Smith - Arrow Painting (2021), synthetic polymer paint on linen, 137cm x 117cm.
Notable Australian abstract painter @gemmasmithstudio has developed a truly unique painterly language over her 20-year career. Through her characteristically experimental painting process, Smith continues to extend the possibilities of compositional logic, colour dialogue and visual perception.
Murdoch University Art Collection previously acquired 3 small hard-edged abstract paintings and a related sculptural artwork early in Smith’s career (swipe for images). Over a decade later, Smith continues to work in an abstract mode, however her style has become increasingly painterly, and we’re delighted this superb work will fittingly represent this important shift in her practice.
Image credits:
Gemma Smith - Arrow Painting (2021), synthetic polymer paint on linen, 137cm x 117cm.
Gemma Smith - Boulder # 2 (2008) acrylic plastic, 94cm x 64cm x 80cmeach. Purchased 2009.
Gemma Smith - Untitled Paintings # 6, 11 & 13 (2008) synthetic polymer paint on board, 34cm x 27.5cm each. Purchased 2009.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #gemmasmith #abstraction #abstractpainting #abstractart #contemporaryart #australianartist #femaleartist #knowmynameWe’re thrilled to hear that one of our Art Collection Board members, Tony Chong has received a 2021 Murdoch University Distinguish Alumni Award at a ceremony hosted at @racarena tonight – congratulations Tony!
Tony is Managing Partner Perth at the global law firm @squirepattonboggsserving as its Australian Head of Asia Desk. He was recognised as the Asian Australian Lawyers Association ‘Senior Lawyer of the Year’ in 2019 and was a winner of the 40 Under 40 Awards hosted by Business News in 2013.
Despite great career success and accolades, it’s the ability to inspire and develop others that gives Tony his most rewarding experiences. Tony is also a passionate supporter of local contemporary visuals arts having previously served as Chair of @pica_perth Board. He has served on @murdochuniversity_art Board since 2018.
Recently Tony generously donated an archetypal 1990s painting by West Australian painter, Brian McKay to our 50th anniversary artwork donation campaign via the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program.
Artwork credit: Brian McKay – Samothrace (1991), oils and mixed media on canvas, 116cm x 128cm. Donated by Tony Chong through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program in 2021 to support Murdoch University Art Collection’s 50th anniversary artwork donation campaign 2021-2024.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #tonychong #goldhorizon #murdochuniversity #murdochalumni #squirepattonboggs #culturalgiftsprogramMany thanks to the artists, generous donors, supportive colleagues, and friends who attended our recent summer soirée. This year’s soirée saw the launch of our GOLD HORIZON exhibition and 50th anniversary campaign. Check out these happy snaps taken on the night.
#murdochuniversity_art #murdochuniversityartgallery #murdochuniversityartcollection #goldhorizon #contemporaryart #shineyhappypeople #artlovers #hostesswiththemostess #Many thanks to the artists, generous donors, supportive colleagues, and friends who attended our recent summer soirée. This year’s soirée saw the launch of our GOLD HORIZON exhibition and 50th anniversary campaign. Check out these happy snaps taken on the night.
#murdochuniversity_art #murdochuniversityartgallery #murdochuniversityartcollection #goldhorizon #contemporaryart #shineyhappypeople #artlovers #hostesswiththemostess #Many thanks to our Patron Alan R. Dodge AM @rodchenko_alan who recently assisted us in launching GOLD HORIZON - a new campaign which seeks to acquire exceptional artworks by purchase, bequest and donation as Murdoch University Art Collection heads towards its 50th anniversary milestone in 2024. We love this video by Murdoch University Art Collection Board member Helen Carroll @wingedvictory that captures the moment Alan launched the campaign by cutting a ribbon to reveal an extraordinary new artwork acquisition by Amos Gebhardt @amos_gebhardt
The subject of Amos Gebhardt’s work titled Eric is the celebrated First Nations musician and composer Eric Avery @Eric_avery_marrawuy Eric is a Ngiyampaa, Yuin, Bandjalang and Gumbangirr man who plays classical violin and sings the language of his father’s country. Amos Gebhardt depicts Eric holding his violin and bow floating barefooted above a dusty Australian outback road, a colonial scar pointing between his ancestral lands. This act of defiance against conventional laws of gravity reflects a deeper disruption of not only how a western instrument can be played, but how shuttered notions of place and time can be transcended through a rebalancing of earth, sky, and body.
Amos Gebhardt - Eric (2020), archival inkjet pigment print on photographic paper. Purchased to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Murdoch University Art Collection in 2024 with funds provided by the Peter Mark Sarfaty Fund 2021
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversityartgallery #goldhorizon #amosgebhardt #contemporaryart #australianartist #ericavery #tolarnogalleriesA big shout out to those who attended the launch of our new exhibition titled GOLD HORIZON over the weekend - such a fantastic turn out! Photos of all the beautiful peeps taken at the launch will be posted shortly but, in the meanwhile, here are some images of the extraordinary artworks featured in the exhibition by Abdul-Rahman Abdullah, Amos Gebhardt, Bill Henson, Brendan Van Hek, Brian McKay, Carol Rudyard, Jacobus Capone, Fred, Grant, Ned Grant and Roy Underwood.
This exhibition is also the title of an ambitious campaign which aims to acquire exceptional artworks by purchase, bequest, and donation as Murdoch University Art Collection heads towards its 50th anniversary milestone in 2024. These astute acquisitions will not only commemorate this landmark occasion but act as cornerstone artworks within the greater context of the Collection.
We are open Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm. Murdoch University Art Gallery is located at 90 South Street Murdoch, Building 121, parking available in carpark # 1
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversityartgallery #goldhorizon #abdulrahmanabdullah #amosgebhardt #billhenson #brendanvanhek #brianmckay #carolrudyard #jacobuscapone #fredgrant #nedgrant #royunderwood #contemporaryart #australianartistOne more sleep until we launch GOLD HORIZON, a new exhibition and an ambitious campaign of the same name which aims to acquire exceptional artworks by purchase, bequest and donation as Murdoch University Art Collection heads towards its 50th anniversary milestone in 2024. These astute acquisitions will not only commemorate this landmark occasion but act as cornerstone artworks within the greater context of the Collection.
#murdochuniversity_art #murdochuniversityartgallery #goldhorizon #AbdulRahmanAbdullah #AmosGebhardt
#BillHenson #brendanvanhek #BrianMcKay #CarolRudyard #JacobusCapone #FredGrant
#NedGrant #RoyUnderwood #contemporaryart #australianartistIt’s been an exciting and rewarding week at @murdochuniversity_art Yesterday we had the very special privilege of @abdul_rahman_abdullah visiting our campus gallery to install his enchanting sculpture titled Buraq – many thanks Abdul-Rahman! 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Buraq will feature alongside other exceptional artworks acquired through purchase and by generous donation in our next gallery exhibition titled GOLD HORIZON opening on 15.11.2021. We look forward to sharing more with you soon. In the meanwhile, enjoy this amazing teaser video of yesterday’s installation created by the very talented @iamthefran 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Abdul-Rahman Abdullah Buraq, 2020, painted, carved Jelutong wood, 80cm x 110cm x 230cm. Purchased to commemorate the upcoming 50th Anniversary of Murdoch University Art Collection in 2024. This purchase has been generous assisted with funds provided by the Peter Mark Sarfaty Fund
#murdochuniversityartcollection #AbdulRahmanAbdullah #moorecontemporary #sculpture #contemporaryart #australianartistNew Acquisition:
Jacobus Capone – Prayers for Perdition (# 3,5,1,4,2) 2020, copper leaf and volcanic ash on Japanese Mingeshi paper, 106cm x 73cm each. Purchased 2021
Prayers for Perdition is an expansive, ongoing series of exquisite works on paper by Jacobus Capone which depict formation of symbols distilled from each of his previous performance-based undertakings to date. An iconography of sorts, one which seeks to honour each minor influence that has contributed to the finalisation of the artist’s previous projects. These unacknowledged remnants function as parts of a greater whole. There is a religiosity inherent to their existence and this is accentuated by Capone’s use of shimming copper leaf on Ultramarine blue, handmade Japanese paper. A sacredness was at one stage instilled upon these items for better or worse. Meaning was superimposed on or stolen from them. Now they functioned within the context of their own project they offered a sense of salvation, becoming part of a constellation where meaning and sense was made.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #jacobuscapone #moorecontemporary #worksonpaper #contemporaryart #talismans #australianartistWe’re thrilled to announce 📣📣📣that Helen Carroll has joined Murdoch University Art Collection Board!
Helen Carroll @wingedvictory is a much loved and long-time supporter of our Art Collection and the highly respected Curator of the Wesfarmers Collection of Australian Art @wesfarmersarts She also oversees the management and implementation of Wesfarmers’ extensive financial commitment to supporting the performing and visual arts sector in Western Australia and nationally. Prior to joining Murdoch University Art Collection’s Board, Helen served on the Board of the Art Gallery of Western Australia and was Board Chair of Art on the Move Western Australia. Helen’s considerable contributions to the arts sector have been acknowledged on numerous occasions including a Business Leadership Award at the Western Australian Business and Arts Awards in 2008 and a Business and the Arts Award at the National Creative Partnerships Australia Award for Business and the Arts in 2019. Over the next few years, Helen’s experience, knowledge, and leadership will be an incredible asset to our Board as Murdoch University Art Collection edges closer to its 50th Anniversary in 2024.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #wesfarmersarts #welcomeonboardRECENT ACQUISITION
Kitty Kantilla (circa 1928 - 2003) Untitled, 2000, natural earth pigments & synthetic binder on canvas, 133cm x 80 cm. Purchased 2021. Murdoch University Art Collection
While abstract in appearance, Kitty Kantilla’s mark making is far from arbitrary. Her paintings featured variable dots, each bearing the mark of her inimitable hand, evoking the history and ritual of Tiwi Islands culture. When introduced to the printmaking medium, Kantilla relinquished dots and colour for fragile lines and bands of delicate herringbone. She experimented with ochre on paper and then to painted large-scale canvases, moving from the black background preferred by many Tiwi artists, to experiment with expanses of colour and white ochre over a white background. This “Untitled” painting is rendered on a white ground and encompasses all the classic elements of the artist’s lexicon: pwanga (dots), marlipinyini (lines) and turtiyangimari (colours of white, red, yellow and black). In Kantilla’s hands the magic of Tiwi culture is translated into works of international significance.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #kittykantilla #tiwiart #indigeniousart #jilamarra #knowmyname @jilamaraartsandcraft @tiwiartEXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT! 📣📣📣📣📣
Following a tremendous response with many applications received, we’re thrilled to announce that Dr Baige Zylstra is Murdoch University Art Collection’s New Assistant Art Curator.
Baige has a PhD in Art History from The University of Western Australia and has worked at the University over many years; teaching in the Art History program, curating academic and public programs at the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, and working as a Research Associate and Project Manager for the Collecting the West, Australian Research Council Project.
Baige has also held curatorial and registration roles at the Art Gallery of Western Australia and has contributed to research and exhibition content for the Western Australian Museum. Her current research focuses on the history of collecting and display in the State's collecting institutions, international and intercolonial exhibitions.
Highly respected and admired, Baige will be an asset to Murdoch University’s Art Collection, and we look forward to her joining our team next month.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #assistantartcurator #welcometotheteamNew Acquisition:
Bill Henson – Untitled 2001-21, archival inkjet pigment print, 127cm x 180cm Purchased with funds provided by The John Francis Boyd Bequest 2021
Bill Henson’s sublime photographic imagery captures fleeting sensations through the shadows and the distanced golden glow of nature, the transition between the known world and the unknown. His Untitled series (commonly referred to as “Floating Girl”) created 2001-2021 is regarded as some of his most iconic and enigmatic images. In these images, Henson evokes a feeling of serenity and an element of reflection in the mind of his young subject. Henson notes that “these moments of transition and metamorphosis are important in everyone's lives. It is about releasing stress and retracting peace again”. Within this composition the subject floats above an urban cityscape of bright red, orange and yellow lights symbolises the stress and complexities of the modern urban existence. She appears to be momentarily escaping this harsh reality and yearns to expand beyond her boundaries.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #billhenson #roslynoxley9gallery #photography #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #australianartist #floatinggirlRecent Acquisition: Abdul-Rahman Abdullah – Buraq, 2020, painted, carved Jelutong wood, 80cm x 110cm x 230cm. Purchased 2020-21.
The subject and title of @abdul_rahman_abdullah’s sculpture “Buraq” is the name of an enigmatic figure of Islamic lore. The name is said to derive from the Arabic word for lightning; something that is vividly real yet fleeting and immaterial. Buraq is best characterised as the beautiful, winged horse-like creature that transported the Prophet Muhammad in a single night from Mecca to Jerusalem and ascending to the heavens beyond, described in the Surah Al-Isra (The Night Journey). Regarded as both a physical and spiritual journey, The Night Journey represents a defining point for Muslims when belief encounters the unbelievable.
For the children of migrants there is often a mythologised journey at the core of their outlook; family histories of parents or grandparents undertaking a fraught passage that shaped the circumstances of today. From the arrival of Abdul-Rahman’s mother in Australia, to the migratory networks of his ancestors between the Malay peninsula and the islands of Sulawesi, Borneo and Sumatra to distant origins in Taiwan, journeys have been made. Abdul-Rahman’s notes that, “when people are required to commit themselves to a seemingly impossible journey, a divine precedence may offer the necessary wings.”
Buraq is currently featured in an exhibition titled “I am a heart beating in the world: Diaspora Pavilion 2” at @campbelltownartscentre from 22 May to 25 July. This exhibition is a partnership between @4a_aus and @icf__ icf_ which considers the navigations, imaginings and lived experiences of six artists based in Australia, the UK and the Caribbean. It’s also an ongoing project that explores the distinct and yet shared reality of artists living at a distance from an ancestral home. Curated by @mikalatai @jessicataylor___ @adelaide.bannerman 🌟🌟🌟
#murdochuniversityartcollection #AbdulRahmanAbdullah #moorecontemporary #sculpture #contemporaryart #australianartistVALE CAROL RUDYARD (1922-2021) Saddened to hear the news that ground-breaking influential Australian artist, Carol Rudyard passed away on 15 May.💋
Throughout her life and work Carol inspired generations through her innovative work as an artist, teacher and mentor. She was a guiding light and leaves an enduring legacy in her significant body of work.
Arriving in Perth from England in 1970, Carol Rudyard immersed herself in the visual arts. Her earliest works were meticulous and elegant hard-edged paintings however by the 1980s Rudyard abandoned painting, turning instead to the exploration of new technologies, including, photo-media, video and audio installations. In these works, she rigorously analysed the structural nature of the medium in keeping with the best conceptual art traditions while bringing a rich poetic and often erotic content to their form.
In 2004 her artistic achievements were acknowledged when she was nominated and subsequently awarded a Living Treasure of the State of Western Australia. Her artworks are held in all State Art Collections including the @nationalgalleryaus who most recently featured her work in the first instalment of the 2020 exhibition titled Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900 to Now.
Image credit: Carol Rudyard - Displacement #3, 2002, digital print on photo rag paper, artist proof (Edition of 6) 101 x 150cm. Murdoch University Art Collection. Purchased 2019.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #carolrudyard #statelivingtreasure #contemporaryart #australianartist #photomedia #femaleartist #knowmyname #knowmorenamesCOME WORK WITH US!
Delighted to announce 📣😀 that @murdochuniversity_art is seeking to employ an Assistant Art Curator!
This exciting role is a continuous part-time position at 60% (22.5 hours per week), $68k-$83k (pro-rata) with 17% employer superannuation contributions. For further information regarding the position description, selection criteria and how to apply please read the advert at
Applications close on Tuesday 11th May 2021 (11:59pm)@murdochuniversity_art wishes friends and family a happy and safe festive season🎄🎁🦌🥂🍾
John Coburn (1925-2006)
Emerald Tree
1975, 2 colour silkscreen print, edition 30/30, 85.5 x 59.5 cm
Generously donated by Ian & Maria Duthie through the Cultural Gifts Program 1995
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #johncoburn #australianartist
#emeraldtree #workonpaper #printmaker #abstract #christmastree #1975 #culturalgiftsprogramAlways Was, Always Will Be, recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. It is the theme chosen for NAIDOC Week 2020 and invites all Australians to embrace the true history of this country, dating back thousands of generations. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were Australia’s first explorers, first farmers, first botanists, first scientists, first astronomers and…the first ARTISTS!!! 🖤💛❤️
Image credit: Reko Rennie (Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay/Gummaroi people) - Big Red (2012), etching with relief roll on Velin Arches 300gsm, 50 x 30.5cm. Purchased 2020
Reko Rennie’s artwork explores issues of identity, race, justice, health, education, land rights and the Stolen Generation. Largely autobiographical, his commanding works combine the iconography of his Kamilaroi heritage with stylistic graffiti elements. Rennie merges traditional Indigenous diamond-shaped designs, hand-drawn symbols and repetitive patterning to subvert romantic ideologies of Aboriginal identity. Big Red stands confidently upright, defiantly staking his claim to space, power, land and culture.
#rekorennie #naidoc2020 #alwaywasalwayswillbe #indigenousaustralia #kamilaroi #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #indigeniousartist #australianart
#contemporaryart #firstnations #firstnationsartNew acquisition:
Sally Ann Wipana Foster – Caring for Country, Caring for Climate, 2020, tjanpi (dry grass), wool, raffia, stitch, 56cm x 35cm x 18cm. Murdoch University Art Collection. Purchased 2020.
Sally is a Pitjantjatjara woman from the remote community of Irrunytju (Wingellina) in Western Australia and a member of the Tjanpi Desert Weavers - an award-winning, Indigenous governed and directed social enterprise of the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council (NPYWC). These artists (representing 26 remote communities located in the Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia) travel vast distances to weave together. Their work is underpinned by a strong connection to Country, culture and community.
This artwork is an examination of Sally’s concern about climate change. It depicts a mother koala with her joey with burnt patches over their bodies. Foster created this work after she saw a viral video of the woman wrapping her shirt around a koala that had been burnt in the horrific Australian bush fires during 2019-2020. Sally comments, “the Yarnangu (Ngaanyatjarra people) are worried about the damage being caused to Country by climate change. We need to look after the land and the animals if we want to stay strong, keep culture alive and for our children”
#sallyannwipanafoster #murdochuniversityartcollection #tjanpidesertweavers #caringforcountry #indigenousart #indigenousartist #climatechange #australianart #contemporaryart #firstnations #womanartists #knowmynameVALE JOHN NIXON (1949-2020) Saddened to hear the news this morning that senior Australian abstractionist, John Nixon has passed away. In his lifetime, John inspired generations through his work as an artist, curator, teacher and mentor. He was a guiding light and leaves an enduring legacy in his significant body of work.
Image credits:
John Nixon - Suite of Six Flags (I, III, V, VII, IX and XI) 2007, enamel paint on board, 45cm x 60 cm each. Purchased 2015.
John Nixon, Stadt Reutlingen, 2005 (left), Black, Orange, Blue, 2005 (right) collage on paper, 21 x 15.5 cm each. Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program by John Nixon, 2015.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #johnnixon #contemporaryart #australianartist #abstractart #hardedgedabstraction #concreteartToday we’re thinking of our Melbourne based friends including the many talented artists, gallerists and generous donors as they commence stage 4 lockdown to combat the spread of this terrible pandemic. Our best wishes are with you - be kind and take care of each other. 🤗Remember we are all in this together and there will be light at the end of the tunnel!🙏🏼🌈🌟
Image credit: Jacqui Stockdale - The Offering, 2016, Type C photographic print, 140cm x 110cm. Purchased 2017.
Jacqui Stockdale’s compelling photographic portraits engage cultural identity, folklore and the transformative nature of masquerade and ritual in society. Her images playfully mimic the genre of exotic postcards and historical paintings where a fanciful subject is positioned within a make–believe landscape. Dressed in costumes and masks Stockdale’s works celebrate cultural hybridity and the connectedness of humanity.
#wereallinthistogether #rainbow #lightattheendofthetunnel #murdochuniversityartcollection #jacquistockdale #australianartist #knowmyname #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #covid19 #thisisnofantasygalleryRecent acquisition:
Sharyn Egan @sharyn_egan - One Mob (2016-2019), 14 small figurative sculptures, dimensions variable. Balga tree resin, yonga goona (kangaroo droppings), charcoal. Purchased 2020. Exhibited in Unfolding Acts – New Art from Perth & Taipei at @pica_perth Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts in 2019.
Egan’s interdisciplinary arts practice directly responds to the experience and history of Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar. In this suite of small figurative sculptures titled Our Mob, Egan incorporates yonga goona (kangaroo droppings) and the resin that forms at the core base of native Balga trees after bush fires. Mixed together with charcoal and heated with fire, these materials become a malleable substance that can be built layer by layer to take the form of animals that inhabit the landscape surrounding the artists home. This combination of materials is a labour intensive technique traditional used by Noongar people to make objects and tools. Egan has given each figure in Our Mob, individual Noongar language names, including portraits of her two pet dogs: Wazza dwert (Wazza dog), nyingarn (echidna), wiroop (owl), djidong (little lizard), Horace dwert (Horace dog), Koorang (bird), djakcorling dwert (running dog), kulbardi (magpie), coomal (possum) and norn (snake).
#sharynegan #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #indigeniousart #australianart #contemporaryart #knowmyname #firstnations #firstnationsart #noongar #whadjuk #boodjaNew acquisition:
Robert Fielding - Milkali Kutju, 2020, pigment print on cotton rag, 84.1 x 59.4 cm.
Robert Fielding @fielding222 is a contemporary artist of Pakistani, Afghan, Western Arrente and Yankunytjatjara descent, who lives in Mimili Community in the remote Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands. Fielding’s interdisciplinary arts practise includes the use of print, photography and found objects to explore his cultural roots with contemporary perspectives and strong, poignant messages.
In response to global issues of recent times including the Black Lives Matter protests, Fielding created this limited-edition print titled Milkali Kutju to remind us that we are all in this together. In Anangu culture the word Milkali (blood) is a very sensitive word and can be used offensively, but in this print Milkali Kutju means one blood. This work is about what is underneath the skin, it is about reconciliation. Indigenous and non-Indigenous people working alongside one another, learning and sharing their different cultures, ngapartji-ngapartji, 50-50. “It doesn't matter what colour our skin, it’s about what is below the surface. During this time of change, I want to send a message of unity out there. We need to listen to each other, forgive and move forward together” Robert Fielding 2020 🖤🙏🏼
#robertfielding #murdochuniversityartcollection #mimilimakuarts #blackartprojects
#indigenousart #indigenousartist #reconciliation #australianart #contemporaryart #firstnations #blacklivesmatterOur sincere thanks to Jenny and Wyborn Seabrook for their recent donation of this significant multifaceted neon-based artwork by Brendan van Hek through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program.
One of the missions of our Art Collection is to expand the day-to-day experience of University life for our students, staff and visitors, and to enrich the overall educational and cultural experiences offered on campus. Our donors’ ongoing support and encouragement through these artwork donations is greatly appreciated as it makes a significant contribution towards achieving these goals.
Image credit: Brendan Van Hek - Colour Composition # 3, 2013, found neon, transformers, metal hooks and bar, 90cm x 268cm 40 cm, 8 neon layers deep. Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Jenny and Wyborn Seabrook 2019
#murdochuniversityartcollection #brendanvanhek #contemporaryart #australianartist #neonartwork #lightart #abstraction #sarahcottiergallery #culturalgiftsprogramOur sincere thanks to Mary Hill @poppybilsby and family for your thoughtful, generous and ongoing support through this recent donation of 4 works on paper by Trevor Richards @traxbema
One of the missions of our Art Collection is to expand the day-to-day experience of University life for our students, staff and visitors, and to enrich the overall educational and cultural experiences offered on campus. Our donors’ ongoing support and encouragement through these artwork donations is greatly appreciated as it makes a significant contribution towards achieving these goals.
Image credit:
Trevor Richards
Untitled II, 2006, serigraph print, edition of 15/45, printed on magnani litho, 35cm x 35cm
Untitled III, 2006, serigraph print, edition of 15/45, printed on magnani litho, 35cm x 35cm
Untitled I, 2006, serigraph print, edition of 15/45, printed on magnani litho, 35cm x35cm
Pattern and Place (Window) 2013, acrylic on magnani litho 350gsm, 35cm x 25cm
Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Mary Hill and family in memory of Christopher Hill 2020
#murdochuniversityartcollection #trevorrichards #contemporaryart #australianartist #abstractart #hardedgedabstraction #concreteart #culturalgiftsprogramRecent acquisition: Tony Albert – You Wreck Me # 34, 2020, collage, printed photograph, vintage Captain Cook ephemera on archival paper, 57cm x 76cm. Purchased 2020
Playing on Australia’s self-deprecating humour, You Wreck Me offers a humorous reimagining of pop singer Miley Cyrus’s infamous video clip Wrecking Ball, with a sharp and timely questioning of our nation’s history. Unlike the original version, which depicts a naked Cyrus straddling a wrecking ball, Albert’s interpretation takes on a more political tone, with the artist sitting atop a suspended exercise ball, ploughing down monuments of Captain Cook. Painted up for ceremony, Albert’s impersonation here recalls the reductive representations that are often imposed on First People 🖤💛❤️
#tonyalbert #murdochuniversityartcollection #sullivanandstrumpf #indigenousart #indigenousartist #reconciliation #australianart #contemporaryart #firstnations #blacklivesmatterOur sincere thanks to Woodside Energy Ltd @woodsideenergy for your thoughtful and generous donation of a suite of 14 plate lithograph prints by esteemed senior Australian artist Dale Hickey created at the Australian Print Workshop @australianprintworkshop between 1992 and 1993.
Senior Australian artist, Dale Hickey (b. 1937) studied design and illustration at Swinburne Technical College, Melbourne, between 1954 and 1957. In 1968, his work was included the inaugural landmark exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria @ngvmelbourne titled, The Field, which showcased Australian paintings, sculpture and conceptual works.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #dalehickey #contemporaryart #australianartist #woodsideenergy #lithographVale Mr R. Peters
@murdochuniversity_art was saddened to hear of the passing of the esteemed senior East Kimberley lawman and artist, Mr R. Peters late last week. Our deepest condolences to Mr R. Peters’ family, the Warmun Council and staff at @warmunart on the loss of this great individual.
Image credit:
Mr R. Peters – Untitled, 2002, natural ochres and pigments on Belgium linen, 90 x 180cm. Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Geoffrey Hilton 2016
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #warmunart #indigeniousart #australianart #contemporaryart #firstnations #firstnationsart #ochreoncanvas #kimberleyspirit #kimberleyartThe theme for the 2020 National Reconciliation Week @reconciliationaus is “In This Together”. Murdoch University Art Collection @murdochuniversity_art is proud of our commitment to acknowledging the Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation on whose land our campus is located. We pay respect to Noongar Elders past, present and emerging, and recognise the rich traditions and continuing creative cultures of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. As a tertiary institution , @murdochuniversity is dedicated to a wide-ranging Reconciliation Action Plan and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy that reflects our commitment to respect, recognition and equity for First Nations peoples. We look forward to an Australia in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and rights are proudly upheld.
Image credit: Sandra Hill – Homemaker #7 (Cake Making) 2012, acrylic on canvas. Purchased 2012
#sandrahill #NRW2020 #InThisTogether2020/NRW #reconciliation #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #indigeniousart #australianart
#contemporaryart #knowmyname #firstnations #firstnationsart #noongar #boodjar2019 Annual Report fresh off the press - featuring loads of art from the MU Collection.
New Acquisition: @murdochuniversity_art recently purchased a suite of 5 works on paper by @tomfreemanartist from his first solo exhibition at @artcollectivewa .
An emerging Western Australian artist, Freeman’s practice is primarily based around abstract forms, marks and processes. He alternates approaches to encourage a transformative translation between 2D and 3D. “I make marks on the land I walk on and it makes marks on me. I retraced paths I used to walk, repeated journeys and trips from my childhood. Routes and directions turn into layered lines and colours of memories. The details are lost but the feelings hold strong.” Tom Freeman
📸 Credits:
1.Tom Freeman, Solomon Street House to Freo (detail) 2019, acrylic on paper, 76 x 56cm
2. Suite of five works @tomfreemanartist solo exhibition @artcollectivewa continues until 29th February 2020
#tomfreeman #waartist #perthartist #Paths #contemporaryart #australianart #artcollectivewa #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollectionMURDOCH UNIVERSITY ART COLLECTION IS IN THE HOUSE! 💪🏼This week ‘PEEK: A Partial View of Murdoch University Art Collection at WA Parliament House’ was opened by President of the Legislative Council, the Hon Kate Doust MLC and @murdochuniversity Vice Chancellor Professor Eeva Leinonen.
Presented in partnership with the Parliament of Western Australia this exhibition provides a glimpse into @murdochuniversity_art collection.
The 56 works on loan reveal key features of @murdochuniversity_art - a reflection of contemporary Australian culture. One that celebrates multi-cultural, modern day Australia, while acknowledging our history, our first peoples, our colonial past and the ongoing journey to define who we are, what we stand for, our spirit and national values. Many of the artworks challenge conventional thinking and invite conversation and discussion of our place as a nation.
On until 6 July, tours can be arranged by contacting WA Parliament House Art Tours. 📸 credits
1. Joanna Lamb, Suburban House #4 (detail), 2015 @lamb.joanna
2. Ryan Presley, Vincent Lingiari Commemorative & Fanny Balbuk Commemorative, 2011 @r.j.presley
3. Danie Mellor, An encounter with establishment, 2009 @daniemellor
#waparliament #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #whatwestandfor #thinkdifferently #firstpeoples #contemporaryart #australianartRecent Acquisition: Declan Apuatimi (circa 1930-1985) - Two Tiwi ancestral totem poles, circa 1984, natural earth pigments on carved hardwood.
For a decade leading up to his passing in 1985, Declan Apuatimi was the preeminent and most influential Tiwi Islands artist of his generation. Apuatimi worked in various mediums but was particularly renowned for carved sculpture. In figurative sculptures such as these, Apuatimi strikes a balance between the abstracted forms of traditional Tiwi figure carving and naturalistic representation. These works are now on show as part of Purnaya Ninganni Pangarri (yesterday today tomorrow) a new exhibition at Murdoch University Art Gallery featuring Murdoch University Art Collection’s substantial feature of art from the Tiwi Islands. This body of artworks brings together a cross-generation of Tiwi artists, showcasing the evolution of Tiwi art from traditional to contemporary works over several decades.
#tiwiart #indigenousart #sculpture #totempole #jilamara #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartgallery #declanapuatimi @jilamaraartsandcrafts @tiwiartA BIG thank you to all the amazing artists, generous donors and supportive colleagues who attended our recent end of year soirée. Check out the happy snaps taken on the night #shineyhappypeople #artlovers #hostesswiththemostess #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversityartgallery
Now on show at Murdoch University Art Gallery is Purnaya Ninganni Pangarri (yesterday today tomorrow) a new exhibition featuring Murdoch University Art Collection’s substantial feature of art from the Tiwi Islands. This body of artworks brings together a cross-generation of Tiwi artists, showcasing the evolution of Tiwi art from traditional to contemporary works over several decades.
@jilamaraartsandcrafts @tiwiart #timothycook #kittykantilla #jeanbaptisteapuatimi #declanapuatimi #conradtipungwuti #fredawarlapinni #pedrowonaeamirri #mariajosetteorsto #raelenekerinauia #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversityartgalleryCongratulations Daan! Waterlicht was a huge success despite the cold 🥶@daanroosegaarde @fremantlebiennale #waterlicht
@murdochuniversity_art Recent Acquisition: Tony Albert – Divulged, 2019, acrylic on board, 30.5cm diameter
Albert’s technique and imagery are distinctly contemporary, displacing traditional Australian Aboriginal aesthetics with a kind of urban conceptuality. Appropriating textual references from sources as diverse as popular music, film, fiction, and art history, Albert plays with the tension arising from the visibility, and in-turn, the invisibility of Aboriginal People across the news media, literature, and the visual world. Central to this way of working is Albert’s expansive collection of Aboriginalia (a term the artist coined to describe kitschy objects and images that feature naive portrayals of Aboriginality).
#tonyalbert #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity @sullivanstrumpf #indigenousart #indigenousartist #anoriginalia #contemporaryartWe congratulate @evelinekotai on the recent launch her important solo exhibition titled “Breathing Pattern” at @artgallerywa
@murdochuniversity_art Recent Acquisition: Eveline Kotai - Space Shift 2019, acrylic, nylon thread on canvas, 46cm x 457.5cm
Eveline’s unique technique of cutting up and reworking paintings into new compositions echoes a world in constant transition. Not only do her methods provide a constant source for new beginnings, but the action of cutting and stitching canvasses have become an important meditative practice that is reflected in her final artworks. Works that may previously have been representational are sequentially dismantled so that the remodeled ‘palette’ becomes the impetus for new directions.
This post also celebrates and supports the #KnowMyName project initiated by @nationalgalleryaus to highlight female artists in public collections.
#evelinekotai #KnowMyName #murdochuniversityartcollection #womenartists #supportwomenartists @artcollectivewa #wanow@murdochuniversity_art Recent Acquisition: Miriam Stannage (1936-2016) - Interior (Kodak Slide Series) 1974 acrylic and paper applique on cotton duck canvas, 147cm x 147cm
In recognition of the #KnowMyName project initiated by @nationalgalleryaus to highlight female artists in public collections.
As one of Western Australia’s most important and respected senior female artists, the late Miriam Stannage’s work is grounded in a deep intellectual engagement with, and curiosity about, the challenges and nature of contemporary life. Throughout her career, she produced a dazzling range of works that resist easy categorisation. Stannage’s art celebrates the strange and beautiful in our everyday, working across the genres of installation, photography, painting, video, prints and drawings.
In 1974, Stannage produced a striking series of large scale painted canvases titled The Kodak series. Representing what are usually small cardboard window mounts that encase 35mm Kodachrome slide film, these large paintings measure 147cm x 147cm and operate to now frame a range of visual markers of place and enacting a playful critique of a number of art‑historical tropes—the nude, the artist’s studio, and the still life—in their central “photographic” window.
#miriamstannage #KnowMyName #murdochuniversityartcollection #supportwomenartistsTHAT’S A WRAP! What an amazing week it has been @murdochuniversity_art successfully launching its inaugural International Creative Visitor Program with acclaimed Dutch artist and innovator @daanroosegaarde of @roosegaarde. Daan is a maker of social designs, which explore the relationships between people, technology and environmental space. A much lauded and awarded creative thinker, Daan is a world leader in creative problem solving, research and in developing projects that underpin progressive environmental sustainability. During his @murdochuniversity residency, Daan presented an incredible public lecture, detailing his groundbreaking projects that merge technology and art in urban environments. During his visit Daan also engaged in a series of programs with @murdochuniversity academics and students across multiple disciplines. We look forward to Daan returning to Perth in November for the launch of his magical large-scale light show, Waterlicht at @fremantlebiennale
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversityinternationalcreativevisitorprogram
#murdochuniversity #daanroosegaarde #roosegaarde #fremantlebiennale #waterlichtREFLECTIONS ON SOVEREIGNTY
Brian Robertson - By virtue of this act I hereby take possession of this land, 2017, linocut print, 72.3 x 45 cm. Purchased 2017
The idiosyncratic graphic style of Brian Robinson’s linoblock prints illustrate a deep connection to his Torres Strait Islander heritage, along with diverse inspirations such as Western art iconography, history and global pop culture references. His commitment to intellectual exploration through visual experimentation results in artwork that questions the boundaries between reality and the imagined.
@mossensongalleries @brianrobertson #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #indigenousart #decolonisationConsuelo Cavaniglia – Untitled (blue mirror), 2013, grey mirror, blue acrylic, 81.5cm diameter. Purchased 2013. We’re super excited to loan this stunning artwork created by the incredibly talented @consuelo.cav to be included in a new exhibition titled Concrete E X P A N D E D at Holmes à Court Gallery @ Vasse Felix, from 2nd June to 22nd September 2019. Curated by @laetitiawilson this exhibition examines the effects of colour, design, pattern and shape through artworks featuring geometric abstraction, as well as taking part in a wider conversation regarding the ongoing artistic concern with Minimalist and Concrete Art in the new millennium.
@murdochuniversity_art @consuelo.cav @kronenbergmaiswright @stationgalleryaustralia @ac4ca #murdochuniversityartcollection #holmesacourtgallery #concreteart #murdochuniversityartcollection #consuelocavanigliaLydia Balbal – Winpa, 2012, acrylic on linen, 152.5 x 152.5cm. Purchased 2012
A master colourist, Balbal paints quickly and intently, working right around the canvas as she is thinking of country from an aerial viewpoint. The signature half-encircled shape she uses is the country wrapping around a lake. Her assured abstract style goes to the heart of her traditional country rather than the surface appearance, an evocation of place that is passionately achieved through her physical engagement with the canvas and the paint itself. The title of this painting, Winpa is a jila (living water) located near the Percival Lakes in the Great Sandy Desert of Western Australia. It is an important gathering place where Balbal’s people would gather for rain making ceremonies.
@shortstgallery @harveyartprojects #bidyadanga #lydiabalbal #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #womenartists #indigenousartDelighted to view paintings from Murdoch University Art Collection @murdochuniversity_art included in ‘Rhythm Sequence’, an important mid-career survey exhibition by notable Australian artist, Gemma Smith @gemmasmithstudio. Congratulations to Gemma Smith, UNSW Gallery Director Jose Da Silva @inventaire and his amazing team on this impressive exhibition 👌🏼 #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #gemmasmith #contemporaryart #abstractpainting
New Acquisition - Kumpukura by Patju Presley
Sublime use of colour and shimmering movement in Patju Presley’s dotted paintings, evoke his strong relationship to country throughout the Great Victorian Desert. Working in recent years with @spinifexarts, his painting conveys deep understanding of his culture, with guidance from Tjukurpa (Dreaming), the Aboriginal creation beings that shaped the landscape and endure in its features.
Patju Presley – Kumpukura, 2017, synthetic polymer paint on canvas, 137 x 140 cm. Purchased 2018, Murdoch University Art Collection.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #patjupresley #spinifexartsproject #indigenousart #vivienandersongalleryNew Acquisition – Baratjala by Nonggirrnga Marawili
Nonggirrnga Marawili is regarded as one of the most important artists working at Buku-Larrnggay Mulka at Yirrkala in the Northern Territory. Her highly sophisticated bark paintings, Larrakitj poles and works on paper reflect an innate understanding of her culture, history and environment.
This incredible large scale bark titled “Baratjala” is part of a new body of work in which Marawili creates fluid, organic patterns that allude to her strong ancestral ties. The entire body of work can be viewed in her latest exhibition titled “Baratjala: sea spray and lightning strike” at @alcaston_gallery until 21 December 2019.
Additionally Nonggirrnga Marawilli’s work is currently presented in a major solo exhibition at @artgalleryofnsw titled “From my Heart and Mind” until 24 February 2019. This exhibition span the artist’s career with a focus on the last five years.
Nonggirrnga Marawili - Baratjala 2018, natural earth pigments on bark, 215 x 85 cm. Purchased 2018, Murdoch University Art Collection.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #nonggirrngamarawili #alcastongallery #artgalleryofnsw #barkpainting #indignenousart #yirrkalaNew Acquisition - Folded Cube by Caspar Fairhall
Caspar Fairhall @casparfair is a visual artist working across various media, from painting to video and interactive art. Best known for hard-edged yet painterly works, much of Caspar's art appears to ask questions of the viewer, such as: What does it mean to make pictorial space? How does the space in an image relate to the space and time outside the image? What does it mean to simultaneously look into and at an image? The vibrant colour and unresolvable pictorial spaces are tools that Caspar uses to address these questions.
Folded Cube, 2017, oil on Belgian linen, 137 x 137cm, purchased 2018, Murdoch University Art Collection.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochunversityartgallery #casparfairhall #contemporaryart #abstractart #abstraction #artcollectivewaWishing friends and family a happy and safe festive season
#murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #laurelnannup #womenartist #indigenousart #indigenousartist #nyoongar #stolengeneration #australianartists #happyholidaysNew Acquisition – Joiner Series by Dan McCabe @danmccabe_
Dan McCabe’s Joiner series are abstract compositions inspired by different landscapes he has visited in Western Australia over the last 4 years. Made from rectangular shaped transparent and opaque acrylic sheets, each individual work is titled with a geographic location, a series of numbers pinpointing the exact location of the place that inspired them.
Joiner Series, 2018, acrylic sheet on Alubond, 87 x 62cm each, purchased 2018, Murdoch University Art Collection @murdochuniversity_art
#murdochuniversityartcollection #danmccabe #murdochuniversityartgallery #contemporaryart #abstractart #abstractionA BIG THANK YOU 💖 to all the amazing artists, donors, and colleagues who attended our Summer Soirée @murdochuniversity_art last weekend. Check out these happy snaps taken on the night.
#shineyhappypeople #artlovers #hostesswiththemostess #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversityartgallery #contemporaryart #summersalon2018We are ready for Saturday’s Opening, ‘Summer Salon 18/19’. Featuring past and recent acquisitions - all popping with colour 🌈
Image: Boulder # 2, 2008, Gemma Smith.
#karlweibkeHappy to share some photos of our recently refurbished student hub. Mural: Banksia Lemanniana by Xander Rood, aka @amokisland, interior design @hames_sharley, furniture @koskela_ ochre on canvas by #henrywambini @murdochuniversity_art @murdochuniversity
Jimbirla by Lena Nyadbi, 2014 | ochre on canvas #murdochuniversityartcollection has been reproduced onto a scarf - a beautiful corporate gift. ©️Lena Nyadbi, licenced by Copyright Agency 2018. @warmunart #warmunart #lenanyadbi #kimberleyartists #westernaustralianartist #kimberleyspirit @murdochuniversity @murdochuniversity_art
A striking new installation completed in Murdoch University’s recently completed Student Hub Precinct. Pictured here is Bevan Honey’s “Gemstones”, 1999, timber constructions, dimensions variable. Donated by Bevan Honey through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program 2013. Murdoch University Art Collection. Some of our most generous artwork donations are from the artists that created them! 🙏🏼🌟#murdochuniversityartcollection #bevanhoney #contemporaryart #australianartist
Fantastic to see one of Murdoch University Art Collection’s @murdochuniversity_art most controversial and iconic paintings “Wildflowers” by Jo Darbyshire @jodarbs showcased in an exhibition titled “No Second Thoughts: Reflections on The ARTEMIS Women’s Art Forum at Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery @lwagallery until 8 December. Huge congratulations to all exhibiting artists and special acknowledgment to the star curator 🌟of this exhibition, Gemma Weston @gw_2000 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Image credit: Jo Darbyshire- Wildflowers, 1994, oil on found tarpaulin, 194cm x 280cm, Murdoch University Art Collection. #murdochuniversityartcollection #jodarbyshire #wildflowers1994 #womenartist #contemporaryart #australianart #artemisnosecondthoughts
Vale Charles Blackman OBE 1928-2018. This week we were saddened to learn of the passing of legendary Australian painter Charles Blackman. On behalf of @murdochuniversity we express our sincere condolences to his family and friends; our thoughts are with them at this sad time. Charles Blackman - White Cat and White Cicada, 1970, acrylic on canvas. Purchased 1983. Murdoch University Art Collection. #murdochuniversityartcollection #charlesblackman #australianartist #australianart #antipodeans
Do yourself a favour and check out “BUSH WOMEN: 25 YEARS ON” @fremantleartscentre until 8 September featuring 7 beautiful artworks on loan from @murdochuniversity_art by three legendary Western Australian women artists - Queenie McKenzie, Paji Honeychild Yankarr (pictured), and Dr Pantjiti Mary McLean. 👏🏼💪🏼👌🏼 #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #fremantleartscentre #FACBushwomen #indigenousart #aboriginalart #bushwomen25yearson #womenartists #queeniemckenzie #marymclean #pajihoneychildyankkarr
The best art installer in the West : David from Hang Art. Gemstones by Bevan Honey - full install pic coming soon 👌
#murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochartgallery #bevanhoney #contemporaryart #westernaustralianartistCongratulations to @brook_andrew_artist on the announcement of his appointment as artistic director of the 22nd @biennalesydney in 2020! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Brook Andrew – Tina, 2003, Kalar Midday series, Ilfachrome photographic print, Murdoch University Art Collection. #brookandrew #biennaleofsydney #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #tolarnogalleries #roslynoxley9 #australanartist #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #artnews
Artist Stuart Green @big_spoon_art has created a dramatic architectural intervention as an entrance statement to Murdoch University’s new Student Hub precinct @murdochuniversity.
Titled “End-Start-End” this vibrant artwork commission ripples up and across double-storey height walls creating a heightened sense of movement and energy as visitors enter the Student Hub. 📷 @robfrith #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #percentforart #publicart #stuartgreenartist #studenthub #newcommission #contemporaryart @respokeaustralia @hames_sharleyWe congratulate @tonyalbert on the occasion of his first major survey exhibition ‘Visible’ at @qagoma showcasing all aspects of his practice — from object-based assemblages, to painting, photography, video and installation — providing a powerful response to the misrepresentation of Australia’s First Peoples in popular and collectible imagery.
Tony Albert - clockwise from top left: Coon, I Am You Are We Are, Let me abo go loose, Sorry, Why, I am a young austrALIEN, I’m bringing sexy BLAK, Gay your life must be. 2008, acrylic spray paint stenciled on found vintage velvet paintings. Murdoch University Art Collection. Purchased 2008. #tonyalbert #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #qagoma #sullivanandstrumpf #indigenousart #indigenousartist #aboriginalia #contemporaryartIn 2005, the National Gallery of Australia generously donated 465 mid-century, Eastern European posters to Murdoch University Art Collection. Each year we delve into the archives to select a few more to frame. They are fabulous examples of early graphic design/illustration with outstanding use of typography. #easterneuropeanposter #vintageposters #typography #vintageillustration #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #movieposters
Perth peeps, if you haven’t seen our current photo media exhibition c’mon down. Murdoch University Art Gallery, car park 1, building 121. 90 South Street Murdoch. Open Mon-Fri, 10am to 4pm weekdays.
#photomedia #contemporaryart #murdochuniversityartgallery #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection @toni__wilkinson @davidrosetzky @christianthompsonartist @coenyoung @abdul_abdullah @nathansbeard @patbrassington @janeburton #rosemarylaing #petrinahicks #polixenipapapetrou #mariandrewToni Wilkinson’s series of photographs titled Uncertain Surrenders is a collection of images that reveal unguarded truths.These portraits of her own children are an investigation into the complexity of maternal and familial relationships. We are witness to the awkward gestures of youth, the difficult transition between childhood and adolescence, and the conflicts and contradictions in the relationship between mother and child at those times. Wilkinson weaves a complex narrative of maternal love mingled with anxiety. This photograph depicts Wilkinson’s son with his friend, standing in a suburban neighborhood street disguised as Spiderman and Darth Vadar. The image depicts the indestructible and carefree nature of typical boys their age. Theirs is a beautiful age where combative play and make-believe is still explored with enthusiasm. There is however uncertainty within this image. Is it coming from the mother/photographer who knows these boys need to take risks? The image is loaded with metaphor, ‘The Force’, webs and entrapment. Every parent knows the delicate balance between being protective and letting go.
Toni Wilkinson
Uncertain Surrenders # 8
2005, Type C photograph, 127cm x 100cm
Murdoch University Art Collection. #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #toniwilkinson #spiderman #darthvader #maytheforcebewithyou #justkids #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #artcollectivewaNew Acquisition - Hoda Afshar - Under Western Eyes
Under Western Eyes is a series of manipulated studio photographs that combine, in pop art style, familiar signs of Islamic identity to challenge the dominant representations of Islamic women that circulate in Western art galleries. Through pastiche and redeployment of these familiar signifiers, this series endeavours to trace the origin of these representations, and the reason for their predictability in the Western gaze.
Westoxicated # 1-5 (from the series Under Western Eyes)
Digital prints
67 x 57cm each
#murdochuniversityartcollection #hodaafshar #identity #contemporaryart #politicalart #Muslimart #contemporaryphotographyChristian Thompson, Black Gum (triptych), 2007, Lambda photographic print, 109.8cm x 109.8cm (each). Murdoch University Art Collection. Black Gum is one of Christian Thompson’s most recognised and celebrated suite of photographs. This triptych of photographs are side and front profile self-portraits of Thompson dressed in a black hoodie, his face virtually obscured behind a spray of native red gum blossoms spilling out of the hoodie in lush profusion. These works symbolise how Australian Aborigines have been historically compared with Indigenous flora and fauna, less than human, and how Australian culture has been infatuated with native flora and the appropriation of its motifs. Black Gum also reflects an underlying sinister message relating to youth culture; in particular, the black hoodie acts as an allegory to gangs and to the facelessness of Aboriginal youth. #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #christianthompson #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #portraiture #photomedia #christianthompson
Christian Thompson, Black Gum (triptych), 2007, Lambda photographic print, 109.8cm x 109.8cm (each). Murdoch University Art Collection. Black Gum is one of Christian Thompson’s most recognised and celebrated suite of photographs. This triptych of photographs are side and front profile self-portraits of Thompson dressed in a black hoodie, his face virtually obscured behind a spray of native red gum blossoms spilling out of the hoodie in lush profusion. These works symbolise how Australian Aborigines have been historically compared with Indigenous flora and fauna, less than human, and how Australian culture has been infatuated with native flora and the appropriation of its motifs. Black Gum also reflects an underlying sinister message relating to youth culture; in particular, the black hoodie acts as an allegory to gangs and to the facelessness of Aboriginal youth. #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #christianthompson #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #portraiture #photomedia #christianthompson
Opening 30 April 2018 Murdoch University Art Gallery presents a new exhibition featuring a selection of compelling images reflecting the diverse practices of some of Australia’s most notable emerging and established photo media artists. Contemporary photo media art is a significant theme within Murdoch University Art Collection and this exhibition provides a small glimpse of a substantial body of work acquired since 2006. Featured: Christian Thompson, Black Gum (triptych), 2007, Lambda photographic print, 109.8cm x 109.8cm (each). Murdoch University Art Collection. #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #christianthompson #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #portraiture #photomedia #christianthompson
We’re super excited to loan these beautiful works on paper by the amazingly talented Ryan Presley @r.j.presley to the Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane @ima_brisbane for their exhibition of Presley’s “Blood Money” series opening on 24 March to 28 April 2018. This is the first time this expansive body of “Blood Money” works has be shown in their entirety. Presley’s artworks analyse and explore how currency in the Australian context is used and manipulated. Particularly on reference to how the designs and imagery contribute to European frameworks of status, power and ownership, and how these continue to enforce and flaunt ideas of capitalism, imperialism and colonialism. TOP: “Blood Money - Ten Dollar Note - Vincent Lingiari Commemorative, 2011. Watercolour on Arches paper. BOTTOM: “Blood Money - Fifty Dollar Note - Fanny Balbuk Commemorative, 2011. Watercolour on Arches paper. #ryanpresley #bloodmoney #imabrisbane #contemporaryart #indigenousartist #indigenousart #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartgallery
Two works by the late, great Henry Wambini. New acquisition (right) Doweloo - Dalarji Junction, 1997 hanging next to a donated work (left) Date Palm Farm, 2002. This is the first time these two works have ever appeared side by side.
#henrywambini #warmun #ochreoncanvas #indigenousart #kimberleyspirit #kimberleyart #aboriginalpainter #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversityartgalleryInstallation of a very exciting new public artwork by Western Australian artist Stuart Green has commenced. Watch this space!
@big_spoon_art #murdochuniversityartcollection #percentforart #stuartgreenartist @murdochuniversity #publicart #studenthub #newcommission #workinprocess #contemporaryart @respokeaustraliaMerry Christmas Instagram friends of Murdoch University Art Collection 🎄
Xmas Tree 6, 1991,
Mixed media sculpture.
Donated by Dr Ian Bernadt & Sue Bernadt, 2001 through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program
Image: @eveannafernandez #theokoning #evafernandez @murdochuniversity_art @murdochuniversityThank you William Yeoman for the fabulous article in last weeks #westaustralian #weekendarts @murdochuniversity @murdochuniversity_art
Beautiful work on show in the Murdoch University Gallery by Brian Blanchflower titled Navigations I - IV, 1988. Pastel on paper. Donated to the collection by Brian in memory of his dear friend Bob Brighton, 2017. Please pop by and view the exhibition. #brianblanchflower #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity
Vice Chancellor Eeva Leinonen and Art Collection Board Chairman Alan Dodge AM at the launch of the new Murdoch University Gallery. The exhibition includes artworks by @susannacastleden @nathansbeard @christianthompson @andrewnichollsartist @coenyoung #Lenanyadbi @warmunart @andbro60 #brianblanchflower #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection @rodchenko_alan
Excited to be officially launching our new gallery space Nov 25th. Sneak peek of an incredible painting by Andrew Browne titled, A Riverbank (culvert, detritus and apparitions) 2012.
This 9m long painting must be experienced in the flesh 👌@andbro60 #murdochuniversityartcollection #australianlandscape #contemporaryart #andrewbrowneHanging in the stockroom 🙌#brianblanchflower #contemporaryart #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #installation #donation
Huang Xu's arresting photograph titled, Flower No.1 - Chrysanthemum, 2009 was acquired in 2010. This flower is said to have been favored by Tao Qian, an influential Chinese poet, and is symbolic of nobility. #huangxu #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #contemporaryphotography #china #chrysanthemum #arconegallery
Recent acquisition. Yellow 3, 2017 by Jurek Wybraniec | 15 panels measuring 18 x 42.5 cm each | laser etched acrylic, synthetic polymer and urethane paint. #contemporyart #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #abstraction #jurekwybraniec
Julie Dowling, Icon to a Stolen Child: Reunion, Secret, Silent and Sorry, 1998 | acrylic, red ochre and plastic medium on canvas | Donated through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program by Dr Elizabeth Constable and Dr Ian Constable AO, 2017. Part of the wonderful Bullargar Katitjin exhibition. See previous post. #contemporaryart #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #juliedowling #icons #reconciliation2017
Our current exhibition, Bullargar Katitjin (learning together) was launched last week as part of Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre's annual Bullargar partnerships and alumni event. An evening in honour of Reconciliation Week. Artwork : Purlta Maryanne Downs, Uramarl Country 2008 | acrylic on canvas | 180 x 120 cm | purchased 2009| Murdoch University Art Collection #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #reconciliationweek2017 #purltamaryannedowns
One of the evocative images from Nathan Beard's suite of limited edition mixed media works. WA FOCUS @artgallerywa @nathansbeard Looking forward to seeing these soon on campus @murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #contemporaryart #nathanbeard #newacquisition #admatres
(Left to Right) James Angus | Brent Harris | Freddie Timms 🙌🙌🙌 #murdochuniversityartcollection #brentharris #jamesangus #freddietimms #warmun @roslynoxley9
An early work by Eveline Kotai | Bridge, 1994 | wood cut (detail) #murdochuniversityartcollection #murdochuniversity #evelinekotai @evelinekotai
Mount Aloysius | Nyankulya WATSON | 2006 | 107 x 97 cm (detail).
Donated through the Australian Cultural Gifts Program by Conor Youngs, 2016. #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #Irrunytju #tristateborder #nyankulyawatsonMoving into the new storeroom #murdochuniversity #murdochuniversityartcollection #trevorrichards #matthewhunt #abstraction #contemporaryart
Portrait of Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Bolton AO | Mary MOORE |oil on board | commissioned 2008 | Murdoch University Art Collection. On display in the renamed Geoffrey Bolton Library foyer. #geoffreybolton #murdochuniversity #wahistory
Today we celebrate the life and work of the great Western Australian Historian and Academic, Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Bolton AO, by renaming the Murdoch University Library in his honour. We invite you to visit the foyer of the Geoffrey Bolton Library where you will see an exhibition dedicated to this remarkable man. #wahistory #murdochuniversity #geoffreybolton
Sneak peek #watchthisspace #murdochuniversityartcollection #newgallery #andrewbrowne #alistairrowe #abdulabdullah
This is my country near Punmu in Western Australia with the waterholes Kawarr and Martagoolu. When I was a girl I camped here with my Mummy and Daddy. It's a special place. Jan BILLYCAN (1930 - 2015) | Martagoolu | year unknown | natural earth pigments and acrylic on ply | 90 x 60 cm | Purchased 2016. #janbillycan #bidyadanga
We were very sad to hear of the recent passing of Bob Brighton (British painter 1936 - 2017) who was greatly loved by the Murdoch University Art Collection. An exceptional colourist and a truly remarkable man. The 31 artworks donated to MUAC are a testament to his incredible generosity. #bobbrighton #colourist #abstractart
This is what the Murdoch University Art Collection is all about - integration of contemporary art into campus life. Shown here in centre 'After Speyer' by Col Jordan, 2014, acrylic on canvas. Kindly donated by the artist in 2016 through the Australian Government's Cultural Gifts Program. #coljordan #mossensongalleries @mossensongalleries #murdochuniversityartcollection #contemporaryart #hardedgepainting #opticalart
Beautiful ochre on paper work by the late Tiwi artist Freda Warlapinni (1934 - 2003). Title : Pwoja - Pukumani | 2002 | 77 x 57 cm. #murdochuniversityartcollection #tiwiart #jilamaraartsandcrafts #melvilleisland
Much loved artwork by Ian Fairweather - Mother and Child (detail) | 1956 | oil and tempera on board | 37 x 50 cm. Generously donated to Murdoch University Art Collection in 1975 by Dr Harold Schenberg.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #ianfairweather #temperaBevan Honey I Gemstones: Graphite, Pyrite, Garnet, Diamond, Lapis, Cruxifix I 1999 I burnt timber, estapol. Donated through the Australian Goverment's Cultural Gifts Program by Bevan Honey, 2013
#murdochuniversityartcollection #bevanhoney #contemporaryart #culturalgiftsprogramDavid Rosetzky l August, Eden & Khia I 2008 I C-type photo collage I 66cm x 52.5cm each. Purchased 2012
Excited to hear critically acclaimed Australian artist @davidrosetzky is the next artist in residence @turnergalleries with a solo exhibition opening 6pm Friday 7 October.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #davidrosetzky #turnergalleries #turnergalleries_art_angels #photography #australianart #suttongalleryChurchill Cann (1946 - 2016) Ngarragoon - Texas Country | 2009 | natural ochre and pigments on canvas | 90 x 120 cm. A much loved artwork from Warmun Community in the Kimberley Region of WA. Churchill said, 'When you paint, you hear the old people talking to you - it can make you cry' #murdochuniversityartcollection #warmunarts #sevafrangosart #gija #ordriver #stockman #ochre
Cathy Blanchflower | Drakan | 2005 | oil on canvas | 112 x 112 cm. Purchased 2008. #murdochuniversityartcollection #contemporaryart #cathyblanchflower #abstraction #turnergalleries #annandalegalleries
Congratulations to acclaimed Gija/Kija artist, Lena Nyadbi on receiving an Order of Australia yesterday for her extraordinary contribution to the visual arts and being an inspirational champion, by fostering national and international recognition for First Nation artists. For more than two decades Lena has been a trailblazer of the highly regarded @warmunart Warmun Art movement, painting iconic depictions her country which have become widely acknowledged and celebrated not only within Australia but also on the international stage – most notably the powerful largescale artwork commission installed over more than 700 square metres on the rooftop of the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris, France in 2013. Murdoch University Art Collection is privileged to be the custodian of 4 striking artworks created by Lena throughout her significant career. Photo credits:
1. Lena Nyadbi - Jimbirla (2014) natural ochre and synthetic binder on canvas, 90 x 120cm (diptych). Purchased by Murdoch University Art Collection, 2015.
2. Lena Nyadbi - Dayiwul Lirlmim, rooftop art commission for the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris, France, 2013.
3. A beautiful portrait of Lena Nyadbi, courtesy of Warmun Art Centre
#murdochuniversityartcollection #lenanyadbi #warmunart #orderofaustralia #australiaartist #indigenousartist #alwayswasalwayswillbeaboriginalland #knowmynameMany thanks @simonblokecollins for your considered review of our current gallery exhibition GOLD HORIZON in @thewestaustralian weekend arts section 🙏🏼 #murdochuniversityartcollection #goldhorizon #murdochuniversityartgallery #westaustraliannewspaper
It’s always exciting to introduce outstanding new artworks to @murdochuniversity_art and our final acquisition for 2021 is no exception.
Gemma Smith - Arrow Painting (2021), synthetic polymer paint on linen, 137cm x 117cm.
Notable Australian abstract painter @gemmasmithstudio has developed a truly unique painterly language over her 20-year career. Through her characteristically experimental painting process, Smith continues to extend the possibilities of compositional logic, colour dialogue and visual perception.
Murdoch University Art Collection previously acquired 3 small hard-edged abstract paintings and a related sculptural artwork early in Smith’s career (swipe for images). Over a decade later, Smith continues to work in an abstract mode, however her style has become increasingly painterly, and we’re delighted this superb work will fittingly represent this important shift in her practice.
Image credits:
Gemma Smith - Arrow Painting (2021), synthetic polymer paint on linen, 137cm x 117cm.
Gemma Smith - Boulder # 2 (2008) acrylic plastic, 94cm x 64cm x 80cmeach. Purchased 2009.
Gemma Smith - Untitled Paintings # 6, 11 & 13 (2008) synthetic polymer paint on board, 34cm x 27.5cm each. Purchased 2009.
#murdochuniversityartcollection #gemmasmith #abstraction #abstractpainting #abstractart #contemporaryart #australianartist #femaleartist #knowmyname
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Contact us
Murdoch University Art Gallery
Level 1, Building 12190 South Street, Murdoch WA 6150
Monday – Friday, 10am–4pm
Mark Stewart, Art Collection Curator
Dr Baige Zylstra, Assistant Curator
Image credits
Left to right: Brian BLANCHFLOWER, Navigations I–IV, 1988. Pastel on paper (suite of four), 86x122cm each. Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program by Brian Blanchflower in memory of Bob Brighton, 2017.
Andrew BROWNE, A Riverbank (culvert, detritus and apparitions), 2012. Oil on linen, 130x900cm (triptych). Purchased 2017. Photo: Eva Fernandez.
Timothy COOK, Kulama, 2011. Natural ochres and pigments on linen. 120x200cm. Purchased through Murdoch University Art Collection’s Fundraising Appeal, 2012.