If you are unable to find a book or resource from our collections, we can help to locate it for you from another library.
Requesting items from other libraries
NOTICE:There will be interruptions to this service from April-June 2025, due to upgrades to the National Library of Australia's document delivery system. During this time, print book requests may be declined, or may be granted with shortened loan periods and a strict return deadline. For more information see Borrowing books from other libraries - upcoming interruptions. |
Available to all Murdoch students and staff.
If a book or journal article is not available from our collection, we’ll do our best to provide you with a print or digital copy from another library. Please note that supply of theses or large requests may require payment.
How to submit a request
- Sign in to My Library
- Use Library Search to search for the item
- In the 'Refine your search results' panel, select 'Expand results beyond Murdoch Library's collection'
- If the item is available to request from another library, it should now appear in the search results
- On the item record under 'How to get it', click 'Request it from another library'
- At the bottom of the request form, select your preferred format and your preferred pickup location if applicable
- Leave a comment if applicable
- Click 'Send request'
If you are unable to locate the item record using the method above, submit your request using our Request from another library form. Provide us with as much information as possible about the item you want to request.
You will be advised of the outcome of your request via email. Delivery time depends on the nature of the item, its location and availability.
Requests below the cost threshold will be paid for by the Library and we will contact you if the request is above the threshold to discuss options with you. Further details can be found in the Document Delivery Guide.
Please contact us if you require an update on your request.
Information for other libraries and institutions
We adhere to the Australian Interlibrary Resource Sharing Code. Find out about requesting and costs in the ILRS directory.
Borrowing in person
As a Murdoch University student or staff member, you may apply to borrow from libraries in Australia or overseas.
Other WA university libraries
You can apply for library membership at University of WA, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University and University of Notre Dame.
Take your Murdoch University ID card on your first visit to complete registration. Check individual library websites for borrowing conditions and limits.
University Libraries in Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ)
You can apply in person for membership for participating libraries in the ULANZ Borrowing Scheme. To apply, check the host library website for joining
requirements. You may need photo ID and proof of your current enrolment/employment at Murdoch. You can apply for a Murdoch student ID card if required as proof of enrolment.