Throughout your journey at Murdoch there may be times when you’re not happy with the situation you find yourself in. During these times, there are processes in place that will help you, no matter what your circumstances may be.

Find out more about the anonymous complaints process.

First raise your concern

Whenever you are not happy with something the first thing you need to do is to raise the issue with the people or area that is involved. This may be a matter of administration, related to your studies or concerns about your safety and wellbeing. By discussing the matter, you may be able to resolve the issue without the need to raise a formal complaint or involve anyone else.

Seek support and assistance

You can also seek support and assistance through the channels available to Murdoch students. This can include administrative support through Student Central, wellbeing support through counselling and support groups or advice and support through the Murdoch Guild.

By speaking to the right people, you will be able to be guided through whatever steps you need to take next. See the support & advice page to find out more

Murdoch University is committed to supporting students with disability, physical or mental health conditions, or who are carers for people with disability, to enable equal participation throughout their learning journey. Find information on available support and access services.

As part of the appeals and/or complaints process, documentation in alternative formats may be available upon request if you have a disability or medical condition.

You may submit this request to: or

Where it is possible to provide alternative formats, you will be contacted and provided with further detail. You may also be asked to provide details of your myAccess plan.

Dubai and Singapore students

For support and assistance, contact your support agents.



Escalate your concerns

There are processes which allow you to seek a resolution without the need to submit a formal complaint. If you have been unable to resolve your issue through speaking with the people involved or seeking support, you can follow one of these processes.

If you are unhappy with a decision relating to your studies, there may be a formal appeal process you can follow. Appeals are different to complaints and only relate to decisions made by the University that affect your studies.

Find out more about your right to appeal

Your unit coordinator or academic chair are your main contacts for any concerns relating to your course or unit. They will be able to address issues relating to unit results, assessments and teaching standards.

They may also be able to help with issues relating to unit quotas and class capacity, course transfers and maximum period of enrolment.

If you are unhappy with the mark you have been given on an exam or assessment you can discuss this with your unit coordinator. Your unit coordinator can provide you with a breakdown of your marks which may help you understand your mark. At this time, you can request a review or re-mark.

If your unit coordinator does not grant a review or re-mark you can apply in writing to the Associate Dean Learning and Teaching.

A formal remark can only be granted if you can demonstrate one of the following:

  • The mark for the assessment activity was not based on the published marking guidelines. 
  • The marking demonstrated bias affecting the assessment. 
  • The marking demonstrated inconsistency with advice from staff teaching the unit. 

This process and your rights are covered in the Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedure.

As a postgraduate student, if you have concerns about your assessments or supervision you can raise the issues through the procedures outlined in the relevant policy. View the Graduate Research Degrees Regulations and Honours Policy.

You can also raise concerns with your Postgraduate Director or Dean of Graduate Studies.

In some circumstances you may also have the right to appeal.  Find out more about your right to appeal.

Some issues, such as class availability and maximum period of enrolment, can be resolved directly with your unit coordinator or academic chair. You can also contact MyMurdoch Advice for assistance with your enrolment.

You may be required to submit some requests in writing, however you can discuss this in person or on the phone.

If you are being bullied, harassed or discriminated against in any way then it is important to raise your concerns.

You can seek support from your academic chair, the Equity and Social Inclusion Office or through a grievance officer.

Find out more about where you can seek support

Tuition and student fees: If your tuition fees or any other student fees have been charged incorrectly you can raise this matter in writing to the Student and Library Services Directorate via MyAnswers > Ask a Question

Find out more about your student fees.

Parking: If you have received a parking infringement and you disagree with the reasons for the fine you can submit an appeal to the Parking Office.

Find out more about parking appeals.

Lodge a formal complaint

If you have a tried to resolve your concern informally but you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may consider lodging a formal complaint.

Our policies and procedures define how a formal complaint is managed and what you can expect from the process.

See Complaints Management Policy and Student Complaints Management Procedure for more information.

A formal complaint must be submitted in writing to the University Secretary’s Office. To assist in providing the required information a complaint form is provided.

What to include in your complaint

When submitting a formal complaint it is important to include as much detail as possible to allow us to investigate the matter. Where possible you should in include:

  • the name of the person or section of the University that is the subject of your complaint 
  • when it happened (time and date if possible)
  • where it happened
  • what happened (be as specific as possible)
  • what action you have taken to resolve the issue
  • what you hope the outcome of your complaint will be.

 Email us

 Mail us

University Secretary
Murdoch University
90 South Street
Murdoch WA 6150

 Submit an anonymous complaint

Support services to assist you with your concerns: