Our community

At Murdoch, we work with people and organisations in the real-world to stay relevant and prepare our students for their future careers. Throughout our programmes, lecturers link their teaching to problems and technology that students will be seeing when they graduate.

Our degrees afford the opportunity for students to collaborate in teams to plan, develop, and deliver meaningful solutions for and in liaison with industry stakeholders. There are also opportunities for workplace learning and internships throughout our programmes. We work with an industry advisory board to make sure our programmes are relevant and prepare graduates for now and the future. Much of our research is in collaboration with partners from industry or government developing new approaches to the creative use of technology.

IT is an international profession, and we have staff and students from all over the world working together in our school, with regular international visitors and exchanges. We are always happy to hear from community organisations and companies interested in working with us – particularly developing partnerships in the areas of sustainability, employability of our graduates and widening access to IT education and tools.


We are committed to making IT education accessible to everyone. To achieve this, we support outreach initiatives that encourage people from all backgrounds to consider IT as a career. We also offer various pathways to our programs, including flexible study options and recognition of prior learning.

IT is an international profession, and we have staff and students from all over the world working together in our school, with regular international visitors and exchanges. We are always happy to hear from community organisations and companies interested in working with us – particularly developing partnerships in the areas of sustainability, employability of our graduates and widening access to IT education and tools.