
Just a little different

Professor Cassandra Berry

‘Just a just a little different’ at Murdoch University’s School of Medical, Molecular and Forensic Sciences.

Science is taught in the laboratory and lecture theatres, but there is ‘hands-on’ focus where lecturers and tutors take pride in delivering diverse learning styles and approaches to educate the next generation of scientists.

Immunology Professor Cassandra Berry said she designs classes with practicality in mind alongside technologist Dr Kirsty Townsend with a strong emphasis on teaching competency skills.

“Here at Murdoch University, students can visualise who and where they want to be after completion of their degrees,” she said.

“I emphasise the relevance of learning assessments that replicate what graduates are likely to encounter in real cases.

“Students collaboratively design and execute experiments to test a clinical sample and create a diagnostic report. 

“We also robustly discuss films for future pandemic preparedness, a most relevant topic for our planet.”

Professor Berry also said interaction with other disciplines at the university is paramount ensuring students learn the importance of collaboration with fellow alumni during their study to prepare for their post-university careers, and to also keep course content engaging.

“I enthusiastically teach the next generation to have societal impact,” Professor Berry said.

“I respect diverse learners and offer imaginative learning resources, for example, students compose a witty limerick about a mystery microbe using their knowledge of infectious diseases that the class then must identify.”

Story by Belinda Morrissy


Just a little different

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