Kick start your career in psychology

Psychology — the study of human behaviour and mental processes — is a diverse and exciting field, from social psychology and organisational behaviour to neuroscience and clinical psychology.​

Studying psychology gives you a deeper understanding of yourself and others, and equips you with critical-thinking, research, and problem-solving skills that you can apply in many different careers, and in your everyday life.

After completing your undergraduate degree in Psychology, you may wish to pursue postgraduate study in Psychology and become a registered psychologist—or you may wish to go on to work in fields such as heath, justice, business, community services, research or education and training, where a deep understanding of human psychology is invaluable and highly valued. ​

APAC Accreditation logo


Murdoch University has a long-standing reputation for excellence in psychology education and research. All of the psychology courses offered in Perth and Singapore are accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC), meaning that they meet rigorous standards of quality and prepare students for professional practice. ​

Our undergraduate psychology courses offer a broad range of units that cover many different areas of psychology, including clinical, social, developmental, and cognitive psychology, which allow students to gain a well-rounded education in the field. Students also benefit from the university's strong industry connections.​

Murdoch University has state-of-the-art research facilities and offer opportunities for students to participate in research projects, gain hands-on research experience, and work with leading researchers in the field. One unique aspect of our undergraduate degree is the opportunity for high performing students to take a research internship in 3rd year.​

Our dedicated team of academic staff are committed to helping students achieve their academic and career goals and foster a supportive learning environment, recognising the individual needs of each of our students. Overall, studying psychology at Murdoch University offers a high-quality education and a supportive community that can help students achieve their career aspirations in the field of psychology.​

According to The Australian Good Universities Guide 2024:​

  • 84.7% of undergraduate and 62.5% of postgraduate psychology students were satisfied with the quality of teaching they experienced.​
  • 83.5% of undergraduate and 70% of postgraduate psychology students were satisfied with the learning resources provided by their institution.​
  • 85.6% of undergraduate and 73.2% of postgraduate psychology students were satisfied with the skill development they experienced through their studies.

Step 1
Complete Murdoch University’s APAC accredited undergraduate psychology sequence in the BA Psychology or BSc Psychology, either alone or as part of a combined degree.​ This is three years full-time study (or equivalent part-time). Combined degrees are four to five years​

Step 2
Complete Murdoch University’s APAC accredited 4th year courses, BA or BSc Honours or Graduate Diploma in Psychology​. This is one year full-time of study (or equivalent part-time). ​

Step 3
At the end of 4th year you have a choice of pathway:​

  • 5+1 pathway: complete Murdoch University’s APAC accredited Master of Applied Psychology (Professional) as a fifth year of study as a provisionally registered psychologist. This is followed by one year of supervision. Refer to the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) for more information on supervision.​
  • 5th and 6th (plus) year pathway: complete APAC accredited Masters of Applied Psychology (Clinical) or Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) or combined Masters of Applied Psychology (Clinical)/PhD as a provisionally registered psychologist. After completion of the specialised postgraduate degree, the newly registered psychologist must be supervised by a PsyBA-approved supervisor in their area of endorsement, for a specified period of time. This is a two year period with masters, one year with a doctorate, and 18 months with a combined Masters/PhD. Refer to the PsyBA for more information.
Essentially these two degrees are the same. They both have the same sequence of core units and electives available. They are both accredited by APAC so allow entry to a 4th year of study. The choice is entirely up to you, and you even can change after you enrol if you change your mind! ​

Psychology has a tradition in both the Arts and the Sciences, so many Australian universities continue to offer both versions. Some people just prefer to have a BA or a BSc. One may combine better with another area of study, such as our double degrees, like the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Criminology and Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Exercise Science.
Murdoch offers secondary majors, co-majors and minors so you can pursue another area of interest besides psychology. These include social media, marketing, community development, human resources, forensics, criminology, or Indonesian! These can be completed within your three year degree.​

We also have double degrees, where you get two qualifications. You can do degrees in both Psychology and Exercise Science, or Psychology and Criminology in four years, or combine with Law to finish in 5 years. For more information, explore our courses.
Murdoch has researchers across the range of psychology areas, including cognitive, social, developmental, clinical and neuroscience. They are available to supervise Honours, Masters and PhD research. ​

For more information, see our Research or contact our Associate Dean Research and Innovation.
Murdoch offers APAC accredited psychology degrees at fourth year, including Honours and Graduate Diploma, and at Masters level. Murdoch also offers Masters by Research and PhD programs which can be completed in psychology.
Murdoch University offers recognition of relevant previous study and work experience. For more information, see Recognition of prior learning.

How to apply

Are you ready to kick start your career in psychology? Let’s get your university application underway.

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