Collaboration enabling collective wisdom

The School of Indigenous Knowledges is an Aboriginal-led school that is located and informed by Noongar Boodja.

Our values

  • Truth-telling: Telling the uncomfortable accounts of the past and the hard truths of the present.
  • Culture: Centring our curriculum on traditional and contemporary Indigenous cultures as valid and valuable forms of knowledge.
  • Relationship-centred practice: Facilitating holistic educational experiences that are grounded in our connections to our community, our students, and our colleagues.
  • Intersectionality: Acknowledging the multiple and intersecting identities of our staff and students and the significance of this positionality in the epistemological process  
  • Indigenous excellence: Defying the deficit narrative to demonstrate the strength and validity of Indigenous knowledge production that has been done in this place for thousands of generations.

Promoting community involvement

All the units in the School are co-designed with Indigenous Elders, knowledge holders and community members to ensure our approach draws on their collective wisdom. We regularly partner with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and services to ensure that students develop the skills necessarily to work effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

We are co-located with the Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre which provides academic, social, emotional and cultural support to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students studying at Murdoch University.